☆ 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝘂𝗽

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they meet up
^my mood^

'sweet home alabama'
"I'd say that's a hit tweet"
"yeah that's good"
"oh shit someone has already cracked the code"
"wait yeah 'texas, alabama, florida, im just saying sapnap is going to see dream' dude they are fast fast"
"im so excited. like just a few hours and I'm there"
"oh belive me I'm excited too"


the call had fallen silent few minutes ago and that only tired sapnap more and more. dream on the other end was also fighting against the urge to fall asleep. dream heard the yawn of the other.
"please sap stop to the next gas station i don't want you to die"
"nah im good"
"no you are not. and im almost falling asleep too so i can't keep you company and im not letting you drive alone"
"i can call george" he tried to fight against the yawn but couldn't.
"sapnap, please"
"okay, but only for an hour"

and so he pulled to the gas station
"dude im kinda scared lowkey"
"of what"
"well what if some sus person will like stare at me or break in"
"we can facetime so i can yell if someone is there"
"weren't you meant to sleep too?"
"nah not really... umm...i just wanted you to"
"okay then you liar"
"sorry that i didn't want you to fall asleep while driving"
"good night sap"
"no. good nap, you know im not going to sleep that long"
"you will wake me up right?"
"i promise"
sapnap was quick to fall asleep


"OH SHIT" sapnap yelled when he opened his eyes. it had been way more than an hour. actually exactly four. he looked to the phone screen to watch the man sleeping head on his desk.

he started the car and put music quietly on the background so he wouldn't wake dream up. although he had just yelled 'oh shit' minute ago and he didn't wake up. and so he drove for an half an hour before dream woke up.

"oh, i fell asleep"
"yes you did indeed" sapnap didn't mean to say it angrily but he kinda did.
"I'm sorry"
"no its okay, it just that i slept for four hours. imagine i could be there already if i hadn't sleep that long"
"sap you'll get here it's okay i will wait, and im sorry i didn't wake you up"
"nah it's good. you weren't really good of a protector either. i don't know how many creeps stared at me"
"oh actually where the fuck is george? he said he wanted to be here and he was for the first few hours. i bet he's still sleeping"
"to be fair he probably is"


"how long?"
"fifteen minutes"
"where do i turn now?"
"right from the next one"
"i have my full trust on you, cause the navigator does not say that"
"my way is just better"
"whatever you say"

"i hope this is the right house, it'd be embarrassing if not"
"it is the right one. i see you"

sapnap got out from the car and launched himself to the taller one's arms. the warmth, the person actually there, the height difference, the scent, everything just felt so right. the hug felt amazing. that moment made the memories and the emotions from ten years, worth it all.

604 words

sorry for no updating, before i wrote these in my classes but now i kinda need to concentrate cause this shit hard yk, i have few oneshots halfway done, but im kinda stuck with them sooo yeah lol

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