Chapter Nine-Different

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Time seemed to slow down for Liana as she fell, calculating the risk of falling four stories. She'd be badly injured, but she probably wouldn't die immediately unless she landed on her head. So, she relaxed her body and spread her body out in a starfish position. She knew she was still falling too fast though.

"Li!" A voice called out her name in desperation.


"Second chance!" another voice yelled, and a white burst of light appeared behind her eyes.

"Second chance!" Feleden yelled, twisting the bangle on their wrist. 

There was a flash of white light. When it cleared, Li was back on the wall of the Colosseum, talking with Simia and Ignis. And the heroes were back to milling around, looking for the villains.

"Kat, use your staff!" Kato looked up in time to see Liana falling off the Colosseum. He extended his staff, using it to propel the three of them (excluding Tigris), to the top. Feleden glanced back over their shoulder in time to see Li snatch at the staff, slowing her fall considerably. 

Once she was within his reach, Tigris jumped up and grabbed hold of her waist. He turned with the momentum, gently setting her down on the ground in front of him. She stumbled a little, bracing her hands against his chest.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, once she had regained her balance.

"Yeah, falling four stories is an everyday thing." Tigris laughed, a musical sound that created butterflies in her stomach.

"You have a sharp tongue, princess." A little bit of pink stained her cheeks at the nickname, as she smiled almost sheepishly at him.

"A sharp tongue and a knack for trouble." 

His eyes were a dark brown, she noticed, although they looked more like warm amber in the sunlight. A lock of his unruly brown hair had fallen into his eyes, but she resisted the temptation to brush it away. She wasn't a very forward flirt and besides, this was their second meeting. Still, she felt safe with him, protected. It was nice.

"Now, kiss!" Li hurriedly backed away from him, looking up to see that Kato had been the one to speak.

"Now, die!" Simia countered, launching his Ruyi Jingu Bang (a stick-like weapon) at the two of them. Tigris jumped up to catch it. Unfortunately for him, it went right through the gap in his fingers and got stuck in the ground. Li followed its path with her eyes.

"Wow," she commented after a pause. "I can't believe we actually had a moment there."

"You try it then." Tigris challenged her. She gave him a wild, slightly insane grin: an expression he'd never seen on her before. Liana wasn't usually chaotic. But it suited her.

"No thanks, troublemaker." And, with that, she was off. 

Tigris sighed, running a hand through his already messy hair. Now he knew how Li felt when he and Indra got into trouble.

"Hey, Kat!" he called out then. "I need a hand up there."

"No problem, lover boy!"

Li slowed down a little once she reached the main street, her mind still running over the moment that she'd shared with Tigris. Something had definitely happened, and she thought she knew what. Was she falling in love with a superhero?

"And he probably has a six pack as well," she muttered under her breath, dialling Ansel's number on her mobile. "Of course." Still, it could be entertaining.

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