Chapter Seven-Fluff

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A/N: Quick note of explanation, which I probably should have done earlier: Indra is gender fluid, Luc is gender neutral.

The weekend after the attack, Li invited everyone over to her house. Ansel and Luc were the first to arrive: by now, Ansel had settled down a bit, and was very much a part of the group.

"So, what are we gonna do while we wait for the others?" Ansel asked, after all the formalities had been exchanged.

"I wanna do some baking," Li piped up. "Are you guys up for brownies?"

"Sounds good to me." Luc shrugged.


Twenty minutes later, Li was pouring the brownie mixture into a baking tray. Luc had stolen the spatula and was licking the cake mix off. Ansel had grabbed a spoon and was impatiently waiting for Li to finish with the bowl.

"Can I have the bowl?" Luc asked then.

"No, I'm having the bowl," Ansel protested. "Right, Li?"

"There's plenty of mix for the both of you," Li replied evenly, setting the bowl on the table and picking up the baking tray. "Behave." The moment she turned her back to put the brownies in the oven, Luc and Ansel started fighting over the bowl.

"Gimme that!"

"Hey, c'mon!"

"You've got the spatula! That's not fair!" 

Li shoved the tray into the oven and shut the door, turning to raise an eyebrow at the two of them.

"I told you to behave. That generally means not fighting over the cake mix."

"She's being greedy!" Luc complained. Ansel spluttered in protest. Li sighed.

"You have a spatula, Ansel has a spoon. That's already unfair," she pointed out. "Just wait your turn. And, if you two behave, you'll get first pick of the brownies when the others arrive. Do we have a deal?" 

Luc and Ansel eyed each other suspiciously.

"If either one of you misbehaves," Li continued. "Then neither of you get brownies. Are we clear?"


"Speaking of, when are the rest of my children coming? Luc, do you know?"


So Li boosted up Local Losers.

Local Losers💅


Li-are-not-amused🐝: Where r u, weirdos?

Raph-Now-Cry-Later: On our way

Indra-moms-driveway: We brought snacks!

Luc-what-you-made-me-do: Li's making brownies

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