Sentenced to Death (Chapter Twenty-Six)

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Chapter Twenty-Six

It took a total of ten minutes to get Cat to calm down.  When she had settled down- and once I had agreed not to take any cookies- she told me that she keeps tree branches in the kitchen to defend the cookie jar from anyone she can.  To her disappointment, she can't stop anyone in the royal family from eating cookies.  No one had ever said that anyone else had more authority over the cookie jar than her, so she used that to her advantage.

Of course, she wasn't exactly allowed to keep all of the cookies to herself.  If a member of the royal guard takes a cookie, she's not supposed to attack them.  However, when has Cat ever been one to follow the rules?

"Whew, I am tired," Cat announced after sitting down on the chair in the dining room.  I sat across from her, figuring out what to say.

"Cat, I have a question," I finally asked.

"What is it Matt-chew?"

I ignored her nickname for me.  There was no one else in the room, and it had occurred to me earlier to ask someone this.

I hesitated a little longer, causing Cat to reask her question.

"Well, I wanted to ask if you think I should go and run away."  I patiently waited for her to respond, but I didn't have to wait long for that.

"Didn't you already run away?"

"Well, yeah but.  I mean from-"

"Your house caught fire, you moved in with kidnappers, you flew to Romania without thinking about it, you witness an attempt at assassination, and now you want to run away again.  Gee, did anything affect you at all?  It's like you don't even care what happens."

I tilted my head to the side.  "What do you mean by that?"

"Let's face it.  You barely tried to return home when you first started living with vampires, you didn't seem to think about any consequences when you travelled here to meet us, and you don't act nervous at all at the fact that you are a vampire now and slayers will undoubtedly try to kill you one day.  Now you say you want to leave everyone here."

"Wait a second, how do you know all of that anyway?"  I leaned forward, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm allowed to talk to people, am I not?"  She cocked an eyebrow, and I didn't respond.  "Anyway, what exactly do you want to do?"

"I want to go home."

"After all this time, you are just now wanting to go home?"

"No, I've always wanted to return.  It's just, when others talk about when they became a vampire, it seems that none of them ever got the chance to see their families again.  I don't want to end up like that."

There was a moment of silence, which got me wondering what Cat could be thinking.  She was staring at me with her big green eyes, but her mind seemed elsewhere.  Finally, she jumped to her feet with an expression I knew all too well by now and said "How about a sandwich?"

I blinked, then nodded, glad to have the subject changed.  I wasn't sure if I was very hungry or not, but a sandwich couldn't hurt.

"Alright, you want some kind of butter?" Cat asked as she spun in front of the fridge, stopping to look at me straight in the face.

"Um, sure I guess.  What kind of sandw-" I started, but got cut off by her interrogation.

"We have butter, blood butter, and I can't believe it's not blood butter, so which one?"

"Just plain butter's fine."

"What kind of bread?"  She asked that right after I had finished answering what kind of butter I had wanted.

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