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Hi guys! um, so I thought to write this story after knowing how Chan's and Felix's family are close to each other. it's basically a short and kinda soft story...  I hope you'll like it. 

noellesdream and I picked missing link the name of book together 💕

Moon Child


Finally, I'm, here.

Finally! I can't believe this is happening, this all feels like a dream. Please if it's a dream I don't want to wake up, I don't... I worked so hard for this, I worked so hard for my dream and just to meet him again. I hope he remembers me.

Felix looks outside the plane, which had just landed in Seoul. He couldn't help but cry out of happiness. This is what he was trying so hard for a few years, and he's finally here, he couldn't wait to meet someone certain in his life. Who's he been chasing from Australia to Korea? Now he's finally on the land where his special one is living.



Felix's mom:" Felix!! Come inside, it's getting dark stop playing.", She yells from her kitchen window who opens into the backyard of the house.

Little Felix around 7 or 8 was playing with his neighbours. His neighbours, ----

They shifted from another side of Australia, with three kids and a sweet couple. Lee's family and Bang's family get along very well because they are both from Korea. They were like a huge family, sometimes they all go to the beach together or do barbeque together. Their parents become best friends with each other... Like their kids.

Felix: "MOM WAIT! CHRIS IS SHOWING ME HIS pokemon card collection.", He yells back.

Hannah and Chris are both flexing in Infront of Felix by showing their pokemon collection.

Felix:" woooooooowww!! I want these too!"

Hannah:" nouho! These are limited edition cards! You see how they shine? Brother won these in a fight.", She flexed more.

Felix:" CHRIS YOU FIGHT? WITH WHOM?", he shocks and made a shocked face. Chris locks Felix's head between his arms and covered his mouth.

Chris:" shut up Lix! If my mom finds out she's going to kill me!", He whispers.

Felix:" oh sorry sorry! Hehe", he carefully takes out the card from the album and looks at it with Big eyes.

Felix:" ITS SHADOW MEW!!", he gasped in excitement.

Hannah:" told ya! These are special ones.", He flips her short hair.

They all three were discussing pokemon's powers and stuff when Chris's mom called him.

Chris's mom:" Hannah it's time for your shower, and Chris are you done with your homework?", She walks closer to the kids. There was a wooden door between their backyard so they can easily go out of each other backyards.

Chris:" already done mom!"

Chris's mom:" ok let's go, Hannah! You can play more Chris. And Felix you look so cute today.", She pulls Felix's cheeks.

Felix:" hehe thanks auntie.", He smiles.

After Hannah leaves, both boys went back to their pokemon collection. They both were having fun, like two boys their age should do.

Chris:" Lix, if you want one .. you can take it."

Felix:" but! These are rare ones!"

Chris:" yes! But you can have it, you are also rare to me!".

Felix:" Chris! Oh my god, thank you so much... You are the best."

Chris:" hahaha I know!"

Felix's mom:" Felix!!!! Don't make me call you again.", She yells again.

Felix:" oops had to go, Chris! See you at school"

Chris:" by Lix!"

Felix is three years younger than Chris, they go to the same school. But their classes are different. But they always stayed with each other after school. Felix along with Chris walks back home after school... Buy ice cream from the shop on their way and played in the park which is also on their way. Although everyone in Chris's class makes fun of him that he hangs out with a junior but Chris doesn't care about it. He just loves playing with this energetic boy named Felix. Soon they become best friends, they sometimes bring their plates from dinner and eat in the backyard with each other. Their parents don't mind all of this, they were happy that they had each other's back at school. Sometimes when Felix wets the bed and is too embarrassed to tell his sister or anyone at night, he just jumps out of his room and climbs the tree, whose one branch ends with Chris's room window. He simply slides into his room and sleeps with Chris. Chris also likes sharing his bed with Felix. They both cuddle up with each other, and when Felix's mom doesn't find him in his bed in the morning.. she called Chris's mom and asks her to take a look in Chris's room.



*Ring ring ring*

Felix:" ah yes mom! I am here.", He picks up his mom's call as soon he was outside of the airport.

Felix:" aha! Yes, I am right heading to the hotel...", He waved his hand for the taxi.

Felix:" yes I know tomorrow is an audition, I practised enough mom!"

Felix:" Auntie gets any call from Chris? Hmm ok, mom! Love you. I will call you at night."

Tomorrow is going to be an audition of JYP entertainment, although he gives an audition in Australia, however, it's the second round of auditions. He worked so hard for this, his dancing skills, and his unique voice. He knows he's special from others because that's the specific line which Chris always tells him.



Felix's mom:" um Felix! I need to tell you something.", He was playing games when his mom walks into the room.

Felix:" I am listening mommy"

Felix's mom:" you know, your Chris Hyung loves music right?"

Felix:" aha!"

Felix's mom:" um he's going to Korea to learn how to make music.", That's where Felix's fingers top on the keyboard.

Felix:" what? For how long?"

Felix:" I don't know, why don't you go and talk with him?", His mom suggested.

Felix didn't even pause his game, he just left it, doesn't care if he's losing or whatever. Right now his head is filled with many questions and his heart has a slightly different pain that he never experienced in his life.

He walks to Chris's house, greeting his parents and straight going to his room. His heart is heavy, and that's too much for a 10 years old boy.

Felix:" Chris!!", He pushed the door and saw Chris using his computer.

Chris:" oye Felix! Sup?", He glances at him and then back at his game.

Felix:" you going away from me? Why didn't you tell me? When you are going? When you coming back? What I'm supposed to do? Who will be my friend? Who's going to save me from those 11th-grade boys?", He starts tearing up.

End of flashback


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