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Chan:" what about you Felix? if you win this, you are going to stay here, otherwise, Kiwon will be here instead of you.", he looks at Felix.

Changbin:" Hyung, that's a bit unfair-- ", he stepped in.


Felix:" I don't want your help Chris! I can do it myself."

Felix were doing final project. Chris insisted that he could help him but Felix doesn't want that.

Chris:" why? You don't ask for my help in homework too? What's the deal Lix?", He keep snatching all the cardboards and glue to help Felix..

Felix:" I don't want your help!! I can do it myself.. I am not a loser.", His lower lip trembles when he thinks about what other kids call him.

Chris:" Lix? What happened at school?", He knows it that something happened because he went through it too.

Felix:" they all call me loser and they says I can't do anything without you!", He lets out his emotions.

Chris:" those cunts!! Look here Felix, I just guide you, and you did everything by yourself!"

Felix:" still!"

Chris:" ok, I am not with you on your exam right? I can't help on that! But I helped you before, so you will get ready for the big moment and win it alone! It's like how my dad is my couch, I am your coach."

Felix:" hmm~", he wipes his tears.

Chris:" but first we have to make this volcano so bomb ass that everyone in your class knows who's the real boss is.", He make a fist in determination.

Felix:" yahhhhhhhh fuck those toe- suckers.", He yells.

Chris:" wait! Where did you learn that word from?", He frowns.

Felix:" Pass m the  glue Chris!", He pretends that he didn't said that word.

Chris:" hmmmmmmmmm~"

End of flashback

Chan:" you in Felix?", Felix looks at chan with confusion. Those eyes whom  looks are  completely foreign. That's not Chris's eyes anymore. Those eyes were a leader who treats everyone equally.

Felix:" I am cool with it.", he said with a straight face looking into chan's eyes.

Everyone makes a circle around Felix and kiwon. It was a free style dance. Han plays hip-hop beat. Both have to come up with new steps with every turn, if they repeats steps they will lose. After few turns kiwon starts to repeats some steps. That's how Felix wins, he's going to win anyways he knew every fortnight dance steps.

Chan:" It's all clear now! Kiwen thanks for showing us that I pick best of y'all.", He plainly speaks. He was angry, yet lost of words. He left the room with everyone who's going back to old building.

Changbin:" good Felix! You did great.", He appreciates the boy.

Felix:" thanks hyung!"

Now they were only eight person in the room. Bang Chan, SEO Changbin, Han Jisung, Lee know, hywang hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin and yang jeongin. From tomorrow, it's a start for real practice. Everyone was leaving one by one , Felix grabs his bag and joins changbin, however Chan stops him.

Chan:" Felix, I need few minutes.", He grabs Felix's hand.

Felix:" I am sleepy Chan.", He wasn't in mood to talk with him, his heart still hurts, even tho Chan did right. He did what a fair leader should do.

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