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After a week, he shifted to the JYP trainee hostel. He was so excited and eager yet nervous to meet Chris. He was sure that Chris will be there. There was a small room, with 2 bunk beds. It wasn't so clean and airy, he doesn't like it all but he had to manage. He and his random Korean roommates decided on their beds and leaves their suite cases there. A senior took all of them on a tour of the JYP trainee building. Felix looks everywhere, every person who passes by, in the hope he bumped into Chris. After the tour ended and he nervously went to the senior to ask for something.

Felix:" hello! I'm Lee Felix", he speaks in English.

Senior:" English? Ah - no English", he shakes his head that he doesn't know how to speak English. By chance, someone who knows English passes by and translates it into Korean.

Felix:" by any chance you know Christopher bang?", The translator translates for him, and the senior thinks for a second but shakes his head.

Felix:" oh! Can you tell me where are all the seniors?", He impatiently asked.

Senior:" senior trainee are living in another building, this is only for juniors or freshmen.", Translator speaks.

Felix:" um can you give me the address?".

Senior:" no! You can't meet them, and also can't go anywhere. you go to school then right back at here."

Felix:" what? Why?", He gets confused.

I can't go outside? Why is that? I mean what if I need anything?

After few moments, another senior came and took all of their electronic stuff, phones, iPad, laptops and other stuff.

Felix:" what? How I am supposed to call my mom", he argues back.

Another trainee:" bro! Chill that's the rule, no phones while training. Besides the third floor is an internet cafe and you can use it only once a day.", He explained.

Felix:" what kind of bullshit is this?", He feels like, he stepped into jail, he felt angry. He can't play games and couldn't use his social media accounts.

Another trainee:" That's how it is.."

It's a jail! Sure it is. Now he feels why Chris never called him after he fly to Korea. This explains everything. After every 3 weeks, there's a test of dancing, singing, rapping and social skills. If the teachers find out that someone is not doing good in all of these skills they just give them a warning letter of improvement... And after all of this, that person doesn't get better, they are just kick them out from the academy. With the help of JYP teachers Felix got admission to high school and learns Korean, however, he wasn't that good at it. But his dancing skills and his amazing voice always leads him to be a good student in the class. The first few weeks felt like hell. The minimum amount of food, the minimum amount of sleep. Every time he falls on the bed, he thinks of Chris, that these are the difficulties he went through, and all the time I was hating him. He doesn't have time to look up for Chris, all he can do is practice and sleep.


Felix:" he didn't even text me mom!", He was crying and angry.

Felix's mom:" honey! He must be busy... That's why."

Felix:" NO! HE DOESN'T MISS ME, I KNOW HE DON'T.", He cried more in his mom's arms.

It was hard for Chan's family as well as Felix. His siblings and parents also missed him, as Felix did. However, Felix thinks that is unfair. He missed his best friend so much. There was no one who could cuddle him after he gets sacred because of nightmares. Whenever he wets his bed or gets nightmares, he opens his diary and writes " I HATE YOU CHRIS", in big letters while crying.

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