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First elimination.

Everyone was still shocked, that how Minho gets eliminated. They had tears in their eyes, Hyun-jin and Jisung were crying while hugging Minho backstage.  Felix came to Minho and says sorry, and hugs him while crying. Everyone was sad, it was just so painful letting someone go who's between you and you actually cared for that person, spends day and night with that person... It was just so hard.

Everyone's heart was still in pain but they can't stop practising however Felix gets extra sensitive. Minho used to teach him Korean and all the stuff. They both along with Hyun-jin practice dance steps all night. It was a shock, and everyone was trying to get over it.

Chan: "I know, this is all shocking, but we can't give up now. Don't let your emotions take over your body. We still have a long way to go.", it was hard for him too, but as a leader, he has to hold everyone. He can't let anyone see that he's also broke from inside.

However, they all continue with practice and recordings. One day after recording they all were going back to dorms. Felix was sitting alone on the bus, usually, he sits with Minho but he was not there anymore. Chan was sitting at the end with Changbin and Jeongin. Everyone was sleeping after getting tired from shooting, but Felix wasn't. Chan noticed that boy was continuously moving around his seat. He went to him and sits beside him.

Chan:" hey? not sleeping?", it was dark outside as well as inside the bus, so they couldn't see each other faces properly.

Felix:" chan? oh, yea not feeling sleepy.", he takes a deep breath. They started their conversation in English.

Chan:" you doing ok?", he asked carefully.

Felix:" I am trying"

Chan:" you are going to be ok Felix", he moves his hand to Felix's thigh and pats it.

Felix:" Chris--- it's hard. I think I can't--", he held his breath, he doesn't want to cry right now.

Chan:" don't think about that."

Felix:" I think I am not ready for this"

Chan:" lix, remember what I tell you when you were afraid to perform in front of the school?"

Felix:" you bought me pop sickles?"

Chan:" yea but other than that!", he chuckles a bit.

Felix:" no I don't"

I do chan, but I want to listen to all those words again from you, I need it badly, say it again Chris.

Chan:" well, if pop sickles work for you then I will buy as many pop sickles you like, how about that?", but Chan didn't say those encouraging words.

Felix:" I don't like those anymore."

Chan:" hm? what do you like now? I will buy anything for you.", Felix felt a smile on Chan's lips by his words.

Felix:" bring back Minho.", he said without thinking.

Chan:" lix-- ", Chan was lost in words, he also want Minho in the team but that was just out of his hands.

Felix:" ah forget about this, I am sleepy.", he throw his head back and closed his eyes.

Chan:" here, it's going to be ok lix.", Chan moves his hands to Felix's face and makes him rest his head on Chan's shoulder. It was odd, they do skinship with Chan off camera they surely do it on camera because it's for viewers Somehow Felix felt nice and safe with Chan. He bites his lower lip in a slight nervousness when  Chan takes Felix's hand in both of his hands.

Chan:" music? want to listen to something?", Chan takes one of his airports and gives it to Felix.

But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

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