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Now he's seeing Chan in Infront of him, feeding someone else. Felix smiles and reminds himself that he's not his Chris, he's now bang Chan. Who has his own friends and preferences.
More days passed while practising with his vocals and rapping skills, changbin helped Felix a lot. He always appreciates whenever he hits the high note. Felix feels good with changbin. He started to spend more time with him, eventually, they gets close.

Changbin:" Felix!!! That's actually good... You really improved soo much.", Felix just finished his lines and steps out of the recording room. He smiles from cheek to cheek when changbin appreciates him. He doesn't know how he started skinship but everyone around him was comfortable with it. At first, he wasn't comfortable at all, but soon when he all reached to dorm tired as hell they fall asleep on each other without knowing who's who. He falls toward changbin and they both hugs and laughs, however, Chan was silent until he speaks up.

Chan:" Lix! You are doing great. Keep working hard like this ", he comes to Felix and pats his head.

He improved alot! He's really doing good.

Felix doesn't know how to describe this feeling. It felt like a reward to him, if right now someone will give him the best idol award he couldn't be happier as compared to Chan's words. He looks at changbin with disbelief.

Felix:" you- you really mean it?", He asked Chan.

Chan:" of course, you doing good mate!", Felix feels so proud right now. At night he couldn't sleep, so he decided to write his diary.

You finally said it ...
You finally see my hard work...
You finally tell those words which I was Waiting for many weeks.

I am happy, even tho we can't go back to our childhood, but I am fine to stay beside you, also we find new friends. I like them now.


Chan:" yes mom! I know - he's doing good.", He's talking to his mom on phone, standing on the top floor of JYP building after he was done with his song

Chan's mom:" look, Chris! He knows no one there, besides you. Be good to him, take care of him, as you do in the past."

Chan:" mom he's not a kid anymore"

Chan's mom:" he's always the same to you, just look at his smiling face for once he's still that nine-year-old boy who's asking for your help in everything. "

Chan:" hmm"

Chan's mom:" don't go hard on my Lix! Otherwise, I won't be easy on you."

Chan:" Jezz! Mom fine", he ended the call and looks up in the sky.

Chan: " when we were young!"

He closed his eyes and pictures Felix's face he used to see every day. That little cute chubby face, with beautiful freckles and dark hair. His little fingers holding Chan's hand. His fingers and hand was always so tiny. His little body trying to sneak into Chan's bed.

Chan's:" his smile is still the same!", He smiles.


Chan wakes up feeling someone's legs on him. He thought it would be berry. He slowly lifts the sheets up to see who's down there.

Chris:" hm? Felix? what are you doing-- it's 3 am.", he looks at the clock.

Felix:" Chris! it's your fault.", he pulls the blanket again and covered himself up.

Chris:" how? wh-- don't tell me.. because of Chucky? it's just a movie, Felix." A few hours ago all kids were gathered up in Chan's house and watching Chucky. Even tho their moms told them not to watch before sleep but they all were being brave. Hannah and Lucas end up sleeping with each other. Felix's sisters was laughing throughout the whole movie, and saying it's not scary at all.

Felix: "yes! you force me to watch--"

Chan:" ay? you literally were begging me to play that movie.", he pulls the blankets from Felix.

Felix:" you know my whole room is filled with stuffed animals. I can't sleep there. They seem evil.", he tears up and wraps himself around Chris's leg.

Chan:" fineeeee you can sleep here, I swear if you wet this bed, I am going to throw you from that window from where you came."

Felix:" ok! I promise, I won't",  Felix keeps hugging Chan and falls asleep. This continues for the whole week, every night Felix ends up on Chan's bed.


Chan:" he was really cute.", he smiles from thinking about how he pulls the blanket from the chan and makes him sleep without it.

Chan:" I think we should spend more time together."

It was the day they were going to decide who's finally going to take part in the survival show as a team. Everyone was tensed, they all were waiting for their chorographer and 3racha to speak up. Only ten people were left out of sixteen.

Chan:" ok, after putting a lot of thought and seeing your efforts we decided that some of you are not ready for it, it's not that you are bad in this... it's just you need some more time with practicing with it.", Chan comes forward and names those persons who will be going back to the old JYP building.

Han Jisung:" it was nice to practice with you all. keep working hard and I am sure your efforts will pay you off.", everyone was sad in the room. They all started to make a bond of friendship, and now some of them will not be together anymore, some accepted the fact however some gets furious on the decision.

" I don't accept this!! I am literally better than Jeongin.", Kiwon stands up and points at Jeongin," he's so young, he shouldn't be here anyway."

Changbin:" look, we know better, you are not ready yet!", he comes forwards and speaks.

"Yes, I also don't accept this decision. Hyunjin is only better at dancing, not singing, and Felix he doesn't know how to speak Korean properly.", another trainee speaks.

Felix:" I know, how to--", he whispered keeping his head low.

"that's because Felix has some connection with leader bang chan.", Kiwon scoffed and hits Felix with his foot.

Felix:" hey, watch it!", those words weren't true. He worked hard and owns this right on his own. He gets all nervous and angry at the same time! He looks up at Chan who just standing with a straight face as always.

Chan:" Oh, if that's what you think why don't we have a little competition between you and Felix? how about that?", he crossed his arms.

" fine from me!"

Chan:" what about you Felix? if you win this, you are going to stay here, otherwise, Kiwon will be here instead of you.", he looks at Felix.

Changbin:" Hyung, that's a bit unfair-- "

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