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Like before, Felix wants to leave. He doesn't like the company of many people and especially those he doesn't know. He's always been like that. Chan was lost in conversation with the other guys.

Felix:" Chris! Um, I am gonna go now! I'm sleepy.", He stands up from his chair and bows everyone.

Chan:" wait! I can walk you back to the dorm...", He's also left his seat but Felix denied it.

Felix:" no! It's ok. ", He smiles and walks away.

Chan:" but your cake---".

What happened? I thought we could go for cake- maybe he's really tired.

Now Felix realized people changes. Maybe he was living in the same phase for years just for Chris. Maybe he wants to hold on to the beautiful childhood they spend together. But now, things are totally different, Chris has more friends, and when Felix thought of that Chris didn't try to contact him, it is all explains. He feels bad like he lost his best friend, but he learned the most important lesson of life. No one ever stayed the same. People changes by the time, their likes, their dislikes, their friends, their relationship...

He takes a deep breath of Seoul city air and smiles..

Felix:" It's time to move on." He knew he still has chan besides him, but not as his best friend as he wants or he had in past, and he accepted that maybe it was time to let go past and hold on to the future and make new relationships.


Tomorrow the trainee who got selected by 3racha was supposed to move to the senior JYP dorm. Where all senior member lives. Like everyone else, Felix was also excited 16 trainees were sitting in the room. They all were introducing each other. Felix decided to sit in the corner since he wasn't good in Korean that much, so he avoids longer conversations. However, a guy with glasses sits beside him.

" Hey! What's your name?"

Felix:" Lee Felix!"

" I am Kim Seungmin.", He speaks in English.

Felix:" oh nice to meet you.", He finally smiles when he heard someone speaking English.

Seungmin:" you learning Korean right?"

Felix:" yes! I improved a lot."

Seungmin:" ahh I see! Yes your accent is quite good. If you need some help, just tell me ok?", He smiles.

He's sweet.

Felix:" that's very sweet of you.", Felix smiles back. Felix talking with Seungmin when 3racha came in and clap their hands.

Changbin:" ok everyone! As you know survival week is starting in two months."

Chan:" In these 30 days we have to overcome over weakness, and prove ourselves into of people.", He continued.

Changbin:" you all are going to be divide into three groups. Vocals, Rapping, and dancing, after ten days  we going to decide if you are capable to stay in a team or not."



Chris:" Felix, jasmine was just asking for help!  Why are you so mad about it?", He was following Felix on the side walking when they were goings back home after school.

Felix:" it's ok Chris! I know jasmine is important to you more than me!", He stomping his feet on the ground with every step.

Chris:" why are you being an angry bird? She's your classmate and wanted help from senior."

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