ฅ Chapter 5: The Pet Shop

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"Hey sleepyhead! You awake?" He greeted you with a beam.

"Welcome to our pet shop!"


"A new customer! Pick me! Pick me!"

An eager babyish voice woke you up, making you wonder who was so active at this time of the day. You yawned before rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, ears pricked up to hear a familiar voice in the room.

"And here, we have this Chihuahua pup. He's five week old and quite active as you can see."

Your vision was quite blurry as you're still half asleep. It's Chifuyu. What's he doing? You leaned your head forward and slightly closed your eyes, looking at the man standing from afar.


Matsuno turned around when he heard the sound and chuckled at the unexplainable face you're making. Gazing at his customer holding the pup in great affection, he knew exactly what to do next. "I'll let you two have your private time." The owner gently smiled before walking towards you. He was in his new set of clothes, a loose white shirt with polaroid photo on the right corner, having the plain side tucked in his pair of black pants to create a simple and classic look.

"Hey sleepyhead! You awake?" He greeted you with a beam.

"Welcome to our pet shop!"

You opened your eyes wide at his warm welcoming. Pet shop? You took a glance around the room to observe this adorable place. It was a small shop with a well-decorated interior, enhancing the brightness and aesthetics of the store. You looked at the walls painted with wide yellow and white stripes in vertical lines, brightened up the room when sunlights struck through the picture door in the front. The wood entrance door beside it, your left, took up about one fourth of the space and had quite a familiar shopkeeper bell hanging for the touch.

Your eyes started to gaze clockwise, drawing your attention to two lines of acrylic crates placed opposite each other, about one and a half meters apart. The first floor included three rectangular crates, horizontal and medium in size for the big guys, while the second floor was for the smaller ones with five square crates. All were transparent, spacious and decorated with adorable paw patterns. Next was the wooden rack beside the crates, displaying a range of food according to the notice board you saw. And opposite was a playground where the girl was playing with the Chihuahua, provided with toys, pillows and cat trees.

"You like it?" Matsuno asked when you're concentrating on that area. He crossed his hand on the counter before turning his head to the same direction as you, "I thought it would be nice, letting them know each other like that. If the connection is mutual, then one will find a great friend, and one will find a new home." Both you and him gazed fondly at their beaming faces, feeling a peaceful sensation in the small corner of the store. The owner looked at you again before he poked your cheek to indicate something, "You're still not finished, right?" His eyes glanced at the remaining area.

You looked a bit more to your right, at another wood rack next to the playground displaying pet beds, igloos and kennels, only a few for each type. There we have a door to the back, and here is... A cash register beside your bed and a jaw of hard candy on the other side. Turning around were two big racks placed against the wall, one showcasing the collars, leashes, toys, anything that could support you when raising a pet. And the inner rack was used to store medicines and supplements. He surely puts everything into this shop. You thought while tail swaying from side to side. "You miss one more." Your eyes turned at him to see his hand pointing down the counter where pet snacks were located in the front.

Yuanfen | Adult!Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now