Chapter 5

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When they got to the mall, they decided to go everywhere like it was an all day shopping spree!

Bugs first took them to a perfume shop to try on several colognes, which was making Daffy sick to his stomach from all of the aromatic scents blasting in his view. 

Familiar to a girl, Daffy was also very picky with the strong scents that typical guys would always pick out for their everyday lifestyle. 

The first one that Bugs picked out was a Dior Sauvage brand that had smell of a firewood burning in the forest night, to which was definitely a no to Daffy. 

"What do you think, Doc?" Bugs asked while squirting a drop of the cologne on his neck. 

Daffy, who didn't even need to smell the neck since it was so potent from afar, shook his head quick. 

"Bleh. I think it reeks! How about something less strong." Daffy suggested while covering up his beak in disgust. 

"Haha. Okay then." Bugs laughed while spraying a bit of Cartier Declaration on him.

"How about now?" Bugs asked as Daffy leaned in a little to smell, but then stood back quick. 

Obviously this one was a no-go too. 

"Uh-Uh. Too woodsy. Makes you look like a Paul Buyan." Daffy said while imagining Bugs in a typical red and black flannel wilderness outfit. 

The image of it all was making him even more cute in his mind. 

Although, you wouldn't be so bad either as a woodsmen. Daffy thought with a warm, giddy smile. 

Too bad Bugs didn't noticed as he shrugged his shoulders and moved on to another one. 

They were in there for about 30 minutes until finally, they came across a really good scent. 

One that anybody would have enjoyed. 

It was called Diptyque's Philosykos, which was a much lighter scented cologne than the other ones that he picked out. 

"Alright, how about this one?" Bugs asked while spraying some on his neck. 

Daffy moved in a little to smell it and awed, closing his eyes as he took in more deep inhalations of the scent. 

He could smell notes of fresh picked figs and soft cedar in its aroma with light coconut towards the end. 

It felt so warm and cozy, like a soft blanket to keep you snuggled up at night. 

Daffy continued to let the cologne mesmerize him as Bugs, who noticed how now near Daffy was to him, their necks touching ever so slightly, as if he was giving him a lover's kiss to the neck. 

Bugs's face was turning bright red and it was making him very uncomfortable.

Though a part of him never minded it, until he started to see that other people were watching and tries to warn him. 

"Uh, Daffy?.... I think you're a bit too close to me." Bugs said in a wince.  

"Wha? Oh! S...sorry." Daffy stuttered, his face also red from his unintentional action while quickly moving away. 

"I'm assuming that you like it." Bugs chuckled a little nervously. 

His mind, attempting to calm his nerves to make the blushing lower down. 

"Y...yeah its really good. I like how mild and fruity the scent was." Daffy said, rubbing his neck anxiously. 

"Great, I'll go check out then." Bugs said as he quickly turned around and went in front of the line to get it payed for.

"Okay." Daffy mumbled and when Bugs was far enough, he panicked. 

Ugh, you're such an idiot. Daffy thought, rubbing his forehead in a head as he looked over to see a woman smile over all of this at the cash register while scanning the cologne and bagging it up.

"Your boyfriend back there seemed to be so sweet. You must have picked a good brand." The woman said in an excited girly voice, referring to the plain fact of Bugs picking a good 'type' in a person. 

For her, it was like watching an everyday romcom at the blanking screen of the T.V.

"Oh no, we're not dating. He's just here to help me pick out a few things." Bugs corrected, his face flustered from the thought of it. 

The girl then, frown in disappointment and shook her head. 

"Ah, I see. Well, that's too bad. I was going to give you a store's discount for that new restaurant in town for couples. Its a free 4 meal course dinner and it comes with everything. Flowers, orchestral music, and the best wines that you have ever tasted." The lady then, beamed again as she places the small coupon in his bag, indicating that she'll give to him, anyways. 

"A...actually I do have someone, but we're separating and I'm trying to find a way for us to get back together." Bugs explained, bluntly. 

"Okay then. I just hope that this person you're winning over is even worth the trouble." The woman said, a little rude in her tone. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bugs asked, a little offended. 

"Nothing. My personal instincts as an experienced dater tells me that you two have more going on than what you're showing for each other." The lady said, trying to make a point. 

"I can assure you. Its not like that." Bugs said, now mad at her for assuming things. 

"Well, suit yourself. Its not everyday that you see someone who is obviously so blind enough to be bothered with someone that they're not meant to be with. By the way, that'll be $98.50." The lady informed in her regular customer service voice. 

"Trust me if I wanted to be on the bachelor show, I'll give you a call." Bugs said sarcastically while handing over his credit card. 

Unknowingly to Bugs, Daffy overheard it all while the payment was being made and sighed. 

His heart was breaking fast and he never knew why. 

Why am I hurting over this? I'm supposed to be helping him. Not getting upset over his uninterest in me. Maybe, this wasn't such a good idea. Daffy thought sadly, looking down. 

It wasn't until he hears Bugs's voice that he lifted his head up again. 

"Daffy? You alright?" Bugs asked in concern. 

"Uh, yeah. I'm just a little nausey from the perfumes in the store." Daffy said, looking away. 

He didn't want to give him too many signs that he was upset over something else. 

"Oh, well why don't we grab something to eat first and then we can head to another store." Bugs offered with a half smile.  

"Sure." Daffy said, nodding his head as the two leave to go to the nearby food court in the building. 

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