Chapter 14

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*Author's Note: Sorry that the Youtube music become unavailable, so I went ahead and found another video with this song in male nightcore. Let me know if more YouTube videos show up like that. 

The next day, Daffy got up a little earlier than usual as he makes his way to the bathroom with his face was all puffed up and stained dry with the tears that he's cried for what felt like hours since the unexpected announcement of Bugs's engagement to Lola.

As Daffy looked at himself in the mirror in front of him, he could see eyes bloodshot red and quivered his lips painfully.

I should be happy for him right?

Be the best man and give him my all full support for the joy in his life?


Daffy thought sadly for a while until he was able to speak up a little, despite how soft and mumbling it all came out from his mouth.

"....But why am I holding so much from him? He deserves to know how I actually feel about this. This empty feeling that I have inside. It's a hole in my heart hurts so much to see him with someone else....." Daffy said to himself while tugging on tight to his chest as if he's about to have a heart attack at this early stage of his life.

All because he was overwhelmingly stressed and heartbroken.

So why...

"So why can't I just tell you that I care?" Daffy asked almost in a shout from rippling pain in his voice.

He started to chock up a little before his next words came to heart.

"That I...I love you." Daffy confessed while looking on at the mirror and tried to smile a little before it all of a sudden felt dark in his mind as he lowered his down and sighed deeply.

Ugh. What's the use?

Even if he could read my mind, it still won't change the fact that he's gonna marry someone else in 4 days.

Why bother anyhow?

The last thing I need is to be the reason why our friendship gets ruined all for my selfish needs of wanting to be with him.

I hope that we can still be friends after....this.

Daffy thought gloomily for small period of time until suddenly he heard a knock at the door and turns around to see that it was Bugs who opened the door a bit to check on him, but thankfully not all the way to notice Daffy's tired looking eyes.

"Daffy? Are you okay? I heard you get up this morning. Isn't a little too early for you to be up at this hour? I'd thought you'd sleep till the afternoon." Bugs said curiously as Daffy rolled his eyes in response.

Yeah no kidding, Sherlock. Daffy thought before answering him.

"I'm fine! I just had a bad dream that's all and I needed to wash my face." Daffy explained as he immediately turns on the sink water to cover up his lie.

"That's alright. When you get done, I'll be downstairs in the kitchen making us some coffee while I wait for you." Bugs said with a short wave while descending down the stairs.

Daffy then leans over to see if he's gone before turning the water back off and grabs a towel nearby to place it near his face so that he could muffle up some of the screaming that had been boiling up inside his head.

Causing his face to grow even more red by the second.

Man, ain't he a wreck?


After Daffy finally cleaned his messy face up, he joins Bugs in the kitchen where the two had their typical coffee and breakfast routine for about an hour before they head outside for their suit arrangements.

To which, had been already scheduled and done over with much faster than they assumed it to be when they got there to the suit place.

Apparently Lola's dad and the shop owner used to be best golf buddies at the Club.

So, any suits that Bugs needs for the wedding were to be complimentary and on the house.

Afterwards, Bugs decide to make a couple of quick calls to Porky, Speedy and his neighbors.

Whom all have agreed to come over, but only as guests on Bugs side of the isle since they didn't have a lot of time to set up any alterations for their formal wear.

While Daffy was able to sneakily obtain Bugs's secret birthday gift from the mall, which may actually turn into a wedding gift instead since he didn't have a lot of money and felt like he should give him something even though there was more to the gift than what means the eye.

That is, if Bugs cares enough to see what's inside the gift, anyhow. Daffy thought with a huff.

But regardless, he still won't tell him.

And for the next 2 days, Daffy's actions of rolling the silence on stayed the same.

He held his guard up high and continued to be The Best Man without a single word of objection or compliant.

However, during these next couple of days, Daffy feelings instead of properly contained, we're getting to be much closer and bigger towards to Bugs until he was about to explode in its chaos.

His cheeks were turning red every time he bumped into him or brushed his hands on him by accident.

Or he would constantly scratch his neck and arms till they were sore, every time Bugs smiled at him or laugh in the most cutest way possible.

It was killing Daffy inside and he knew that if he doesn't say something to him soon, he'd regret it all.

So, on the 3rd and last day for Bugs as a bachelor, Daffy turns to him during an afternoon walk on the sidewalks of town and speaks up.

"Um Bugs?" Daffy asked nervously while staring down at his feet in the ground.

"Yeah?" Bugs asked as he turns his head around to face him.

"I was wondering're not busy tonight, would you like to go out for drinks with me and talk for a while." Daffy offered.

"Sure, I can also ask the others if they want to come too." Bugs suggested while Daffy quickly turned his head away and added on.

"A...actually. Can it be just us? I want to have our last laughs together with my best friend before you...leave with her." Daffy said in a soft, hurt voice.

There's also a lot on my mind that I needed to get off my chest.

So might as well let it be this night.

I already lost my love to him so, what more could I lose?

Daffy thought as Bugs looks away from his anxiously and nodded his head.

"Oh....sure. I'll definitely have time for a couple of drinks." Bugs said while Daffy stopped mid-way to turn around to him.

"Cool! I'll see you then." Daffy said with a yet another fake smile across his face as he waved goodbye to him before running off, too fast for even Bugs to catch up.

Which left him alone in the middle of the sidewalk.


Was this really the right choice?

Will others be disappointed in me if I think otherwise?

Am I truly ready to get married?

Or is it.....that I am asking the wrong person to be my one and only....forever.

Bugs thought with his mind set on the plan and his heart....simply in another direction.

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