Chapter 19

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When Bugs was able to collect himself again, he got up from the floor and walked on over to the center of the church.

From there he could see that the row-like seats were all filled in like full house along with other people standing nearby him as well.

The pastor was stationed in the middle with his book ready in hand.

There were a couple of bored-looking random bridesmaids who were all dressed in pink lined up on the brides side of the altar as well.

Bugs figured that they were probably hired by Lola's dad Walter, since Lola was known to have little to few friends in existence.

And lastly, the one groomsmen in the area who was positioned to his side of the church, was Porky in his black suit and tie.

His face was of a mixture between upset and disappointment.

Obviously because he was able to see what Bugs could not at the moment.

True bonds, which frankly was something that someone as intelligent as Bugs should have recognized a long time ago.

As Bugs begin to plant his feet to the side of the church, he gulped silently in nervousness.

His mind had suddenly started to spin quick and his heart was racing.

He thought that he was going to pass out in front of the pastor at any given time now, until a hand was abruptly placed on his shoulder to calm him down.

He turned to see Porky, who was expressing concern for his friend.

"Don't worry Bugs. Whatever you decide makes you the happiest, I'll be here to support you all the way." Porky advised with a small smile for reassurance.

Bugs slowly nodded his head and understood as he turns around to see the front door opening up.

Just then, the classic wedding music played on in its amusing heartbeat while the crowds of both Bugs side and her side to see Lola walking down the isle with her jolly dad by her side.

She was wearing a tea length chiffon white dress with a small bow tied around it, similar to a previous one that she wore right before she tried to leave him for Pepe at the altar.

What an irony.

Bugs attempted to smile but his heart wasn't able to fit the emotions that he was expressing now versus what he should have been feeling for this kind of memory.

She was beautiful for sure but the hidden fact that he couldn't even focus told a very large red flag that this was not worth the effort.

When she got up to her side of the church, the music immediately stopped and the pastor cleared his throat to begin a typical speech of their ceremony while the audience sat down in their places along with the dad who joined beside his wife on Lola's end of the guest row seats.

"We gather here today to celebrate a blissful union between these two....." The pastor chanted as Lola gleefully grabbed Bugs's hands and smile brightly at him.

He gave her a tiny half grin before resuming back to his miserable state where his mind starts to go blank.

Soon the words of the pastor, the crowds of the people before him and even Lola herself all begin to fade away within his mind.

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