Chapter 8

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When they got inside the car, Bugs turned on the ignition and drove them straight home. 

He didn't want to think about anything else except lie on the couch and sleep all of his stress off. 

He dazed off for a while wondering about how things got to be so complicated until Daffy suddenly interrupted his daydreaming. 

"Since we're going home, can you tell me now what's wrong? You were fine just a minute ago." Daffy said, worried. 

"I saw Lola today with her boyfriend." Bugs answered, gloomy. 

"Oh. Well.... what did you say to them?" Daffy asked, curiously. 

"What could I say? Its clear to me that she doesn't want us get back together. I asked her why did even she love him at all but.... she never gave me an answer for it. She just plainly has her eyes set on him. There's not a more simpler explanation to it."  Bugs explained in a huff.

"Yeah, but doesn't mean you have to give up on her just yet." Daffy added. 

"Daffy, there's no use in talking to her. I've already tried that." Bugs said, a little irritated while looking out on the window next to him. 

"I understand but, there is still time for you to fix it. I mean its not like she's going to marry the guy the next day. You can show her that know love her and care enough for her to want you back." Daffy said, softly, his last few words once again wrenching for unknown reasons at his heart. 

"Thanks, but is it okay if we talk about something else? Why did it take you so long to go to that store over there? You had me waiting  forever and I know you bought something, but I don't see a bag anywhere nearby, so where is it?" Bugs said, feeling a similar tension at his chest before chuckling lightly, when he wondered about Daffy being sneaky with his shopping spree earlier. 

"Oh...I did. But, I have to wait 2 weeks for them to finish customizing it. It'll be ready by the end of July." Daffy said a little winced by his last few words since Bugs's birthday was July 27th and he didn't want to reveal too much to him yet. 

"2 weeks huh? What is it a gift to Tina?" Bugs asked, curiously, unknown to the small fact that it was actually for him. 

"I...its just a gift. Nothing personal." Daffy said in a small white lie, while rubbing his neck nervously. 

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure she'll love it." Bugs said, a little pain in his tone while Daffy looked at him and sighed. 

If only he knew Daffy thought as Bugs had his own set of thoughts in his mind too. 

At least he still has someone. But I wonder... Bugs thought in a pause while he pulls the car into the driveway of the house and parks it in place.

After a swift moment of silence, Bugs spoke up a little.  

"I know you're not a big fan of football but...would you like to join me tomorrow?" Bugs asked, half smiling a bit. 

"Sure, that sounds nice." Daffy said beaming a little. 

"Great, because..... I have 2 season tickets that were supposed to be for next month's game but I can change them real quick to tomorrow afternoon's time and maybe afterwards, we can go bowling or something. I mean.. unless you're too busy or anything." Bugs said a little nervously. 

Why am I so antsy over this? Bugs thought, confused by his own timid behavior. 

"No, I'm not busy. But I do have one question though. Are there any gift baskets for me this time?" Daffy asked in a tease, his tongue sticking out silly. 

"Well, I wouldn't have to do gift baskets in the first place if you would have just talked to Porky and apologize for accusing him of taking the basket of fries that was obviously for the table." Bugs said, rolling his eyes at him with a smirk.  

And hopefully, those tickets won't be ripped up again either. Bugs thought annoyed, when he remembered the time that Porky had torn off all 3 of their football tickets just because him and Daffy were arguing over fries.

At that time, Bugs was only able to sneak in for a half time show after convincing Sam that he could bring him good luck for the game but that was about it for his experience in seeing a live-action football game. 

The two then laughed at the memory of it all. 

"Haha. He still owes me fries though" Daffy pointed out. 

"Pfft. Yeah sure he does." Bugs said as he instantly begins to ruffle up Daffy's hair playfully.

"Hey!" Daffy complained while trying to fix his messed up fuzz of hair. 

"That's for ruining my football game last time." Bugs said with a wink as he got out of the car to unlock the front door while Daffy sat there for a moment, his face blushing brightly with a warm smile. 

A few minutes later he got out of the car to join Bugs inside the house. 

When the two got in, they sat next to each other on the couch and watched some T.V. but couldn't decide on what channels to see. 

After having a small friendly debate of what should they watch due to one liking sports and the other liking the off-duty cop show, they ended up seeing a murder mystery movie instead called "What Lies Beneath" with Michelle Pfeiffer and Harrison Ford in it. 

The lights were off and movie had started to play on slowly, like it was reeling you into the whole depth of the mystery itself. 

Although, neither of them really payed much attention to the film, they were more in thought of themselves.

Soon, the room seemed to have gotten darker and more peaceful when they both were starting to fall asleep right next to other with their shoulders touching and their heads resting by each other side.  

Unaware, that they were actually dreaming about being in each other's arms forever. 

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