Chapter 10

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At about a half hour later, they finally were able to make it to the stadium, just in time for all of the guests who were already waiting in line, to enter inside and find seats. 

Bugs then, parked the car as the two got out and joined the line. 

Thankfully, the waiting period didn't take too long as they entered into the building themselves with newly transferred tickets that had come up from Bugs's phone. 

They were able to get wing seats just as they hoped and decide to sit on the east side of the stadium. 

It didn't matter where they could sit as long as they could get the ones that had a far enough view to see the whole 9 yards of the game itself.  

After they picked their places, they sat down and relaxed in a huff. 

All of that running to make it to the first half of the game had caused them both to be exhausted.  

Soon, more seats start to fill quick as the two talked for a little bit while all the football players were heading out into the field to start the first run. 

Everything seemed fine for a moment, until Daffy started to turn around towards the front and groans in a complaint-like state.  

"Ugh." Daffy said, irritated.  

"What's wrong?" Bugs asked curiously. 

"That idiot over there in front of me is blocking my view" Daffy complained as Bugs starts to look over in his direction and sees a very tall man that was indeed blocking his sight with his tall stature. 

Even when big guy sat down in his seat, all Daffy could see was a patch of greyish brown hair that somehow covered whole section of his view. 

Bugs then started to laugh at him, instantly. 

"Haha." Bugs chuckled, much to the poor duck's frustration. 

"That's not funny! How am I supposed to see anything now?" Daffy asked in a pout. 

Bugs then grins slyly and starts to tease him a little. 

"Well, if you want to Doc, you could always use my lap as a booster seat. Just, keeping your options open, that's all." Bugs joked as he nudged Daffy in the arm with his elbow. 

It didn't take but a few seconds for Daffy to understand what he meant and quickly turns away, flustered. 

"That's very cutesy of you." Daffy grumbled with his arms crossed, his face burning red. 

"Haha. I got you though, didn't I? Here, I'll switch seats with you." Bugs said, figuring he had enough of his typical taunts as the two begin to stand up so that they can slide to the other side.

Although moving from one seat to another didn't seem to a big problem at first, it was still a little too crowd, so the two had to shimmy themselves over in order to make the switch. 

Right as Daffy was heading to his spot, he suddenly starts to trip over from the tight space between the row of seats that somehow got caught in his footing. 

"Woah." Daffy stumbled as a warning to himself and was fixin to fall until Bugs, who overheard him, was able to quickly catch him from the waist on time with his hands, which kept him from falling over. 

"I got you Doc. You're alright?" Bugs asked in a heavy heave from the sudden movement as the two locked eyes for a moment while Bugs slowly lifted him upright. 

Daffy, who was stunned from all of his carelessness, couldn't help but to only stare at him in a daze. 

He didn't know what to say except to let Bug's dark brown eyes continue to mesmerize him in awe, causing his own bluish green eyes to glow brightly. 

Bugs then started to notice his reaction but was also unaware that he is equally hypnotized by their stare at one another and decided to let their silence burn on a little longer. 

When Daffy realized that he had been looking at him without an answer to his question for too long, he broke their eye contact and finally spoke up. 

"Y...yeah. Thanks." Daffy stuttered in his reply as the two sat down in their swapped seats. 

"No Problem." Bugs responded back in a soft mumble as the two then face the front to see that the football players were already lined up in position. 

Man he wasn't kidding about this guy. Bugs thought, stumped as he craned his head up a little in an attempt to get a better viewing. 

"Haha. I told you that was a bad seat." Daffy giggled as Bugs turns to him and smiles warmly. 

He loved the sound of his laugh wished he could hear his cheery tune more often. 

"Eh, I figured I owed you one for making you feel awkward back there." Bugs said softly. 

"You never made me uneasy. I'm just glad to be spending time with you." Daffy beamed up with a grin and looked down a little to see that their hands were very much close to touching at this point. 

If only he could inch his hand a little bit more. 

Would he have taken it if he felt even the slightest tips of their fingers touching? Daffy thought a little sadly as Bugs looks over and taps on Daffy's shoulder. 

"Oh! Hey Doc, look! The Game's fixin to start" Bugs said as the immediately face back to the front to watch it together. 

When the Game over, they head out of the stadium and got in their car as they drove up to a local bowling alley to play a few rounds of bowling to which, Bugs eventually let him win so he wouldn't complain about it as much through the whole ride home. 

Soon afterwards, the day was still not officially over as the two settle on doing other fun stuff as well like grabbing a scoop of ice cream at a nearby shop, watch another suspense thriller movie, look at a museum and more. 

By the time that they had finished with just about everything that they wanted to do, the sun then begin to set at the peak of its horizon. 

Bugs, who was willing to do one last thing, decided to take them to Hilltop Park in downtown LA where they could go at the edge of the cliffside so that they could get a wonderous panoramic view of the city itself. 

By the time, they got there, the sun had already went down and dark sky started to glisten with bright stars all around them as Bugs pulled in on the perfect and parked the car near the railing. 

They then got out and sat next to each other on the hood of the car where laid heads back and relaxed. 

It was indeed a beautiful night and not just due to the evening's stunning sight either. 

But because they are here alone. 

Talking away happily while enjoying the blissful bond that they had both created, together. 

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