Chapter 12

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After all this time....she wants us to get back together? But I... Bugs thought in shock, his head spinning in a daze.

This was all too sudden.

To be honest, if she would have asked him a couple of days, he'd automatically said yes in a heartbeat.

I mean this was what he had always wanted right?

To be with her forever?

But, now.....

Now things are.... different.

So much has happened to him within the last few days that he had spent with Daffy and he even doesn't know what to think anymore.

With lots of mixed dilemmas processing in his mind, he ultimately kept an unusual awkward silence without a single word spoken out loud as he looks over at Daffy, who was obviously in deep hurt at the moment.

In a twisted irony, Bugs was standing directly in the middle of the very two important people in his life that he mostly cares about.

Then suddenly, within the mist of their silence, something odd happened.

Daffy was... happy?

But, not in the normal way that you would perceive it to be.

It was strained.

A mask for him to hide his true feelings underneath as he slowly walks over to Bugs and pats him on the shoulder, wearing the best fake smile that he can muster across his face.

"I'm gonna step outside for a little and get some fresh air. I'm glad that you two are working it out. So... if you need me...I'm only a distance away. I'll see you later, Bugs. Lola." Daffy said, with a saddened hidden tone in his voice as he strolls past Lola and out of the front door.

Bugs, who was now out of his frozen shock, tries to reach out to Daffy, quick.

"I..." Bugs called out, but before he can anything more, Daffy left the house.

And just like that, he was gone.

Bugs's ears drooped a little, sadly.

Instead of making any kind of objections towards this surprising news like Bugs had secretly hoped for, Daffy simply made things less complicated for them by getting out of the way so that Bugs could be happy.

But if he would have read his thoughts moments ago, he'd see that it wasn't the case.

Soon, pending thoughts started to emerge in Bugs's mind, urging him to immediately kick Lola out and run after Daffy.

However, another back suggestion told him to talk to him later and since Lola did come all this way just to see him, he might as well hear her out.

"Sigh. Alright, Lola, come on in." Bugs said as Lola steps inside and closes the door behind her.

The two then, sat on the couch and continued on with their discussion from earlier.

"So, what do you think? Do you want us to get married?" Lola asked, her eyes bulging out and grinning widely like a child begging their parent for a piece of cookie in the jar.

"Well Lola, I appreciate all of this but...." Bugs was going to say until Lola's persistency pressures him on.

"Bun Bun, I know I made a huge mess and I'm sorry. I made a mistake about telling you straight up that you're not good enough for me. I was wrong, you are the best boyfriend that I've ever had in my life and I miss you. I miss you so much." Lola said while gripping him in a loose embracing hug.

"What made you change your mind? Did Pepe break your heart or something?" Bugs asked, curiously.

He wondered how she'd flip her thoughts about them back and forth like a light switch.

"No, Bugs. He didn't do anything, I just want you. Can you give us a second chance? I promise I will never leave you for another cheesy romantic ever again." Lola begged while giving Bugs the classic puppy dog eyes and batted her eyes with her hands holding his in a lovey-dovey moment.

Bugs heart sink and knew he was going to regret but....

Who knows?

This might actually be his last chance at seeing how their relationship would grow as a couple

So...he went for it anyways.

"Yes. We can give this another shot and get married." Bugs said in a unawarely strange and restrictive tone.

Obliviously, Lola didn't seem to take the hint at all and jumped for joy on the word 'yes' as she gave him an even bigger hug with a kiss to the cheek.

"Yay!!! I knew you wouldn't give up on us! And now we can have the best prettiest wedding in the whole world! Or was it planet? Hmm..." Lola said in a pause until she shrugged her shoulders and kept going.

"Eh, it doesn't matter. I'm just so happy that you forgave me! I can't wait to tell my parents about this! Oh they'll be so thrilled to hear this! I gotta go now bun-bun. Bye! I'll call you tomorrow." Lola said as she gave him one more kiss but to the forehead this time and rushed out the door cheerfully with the door slammed shut behind her.

"Sure." Bugs said in a mumble while rubbing his head from a throbbing stress migraine.

This all seemed too good to be true, but it never felt real at all.

It was almost like a dream that he wished would have disappeared from his thoughts.

Not to mention with the hidden fact that he actually doesn't know what he really wants, but wasn't going to give her the benefit of the doubt either just because his own mind was confused.

It won't hurt to think about the possibilities for them right?

So eventually, Bugs was left alone to do his own thinking while he continued to sit on the couch and wait for Daffy to come back home since he knew for sure that he wouldn't stay out too long in the dark.

He decided to stay up all night if he had to in order for them to talk about this because it wouldn't be fair not tell him the news.


Meanwhile, in the darkened night outside at about a mile away from the house, Daffy was standing on a grass in a nearby lawn.

His eyes were closed and his heart was tugging at its end.

He knew he was hiding from him but didn't want to show it.

Lying to him so that he wouldn't break down in front of them and tell them both what was really on his mind.

Because at the end of the day, no matter how much of these 'feelings' still ache in him, he was still his best friend and that never changed.

Even if he can't be his forever, he would much rather help him get back with her than to leave him in this terrifying state of confusion.

So, he made the decision for him.

I left.... so that you don't have to choose. Daffy thought gloomily while silent small tears drip down his face.

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