Chapter 13

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Several hours later, Daffy was able to bring himself back to the house after all of his emotions were seemly cooled down.

He didn't want to think anymore about the incident or what could have happened while he stormed off like that.

He too tired and was ready to lay back down on his bed, exhausted.

As he made his way up towards the staircase, he started to climb on the first step when all of a sudden, a cold gloved hand had grabbed ahold of his wrist causing him to turn around and sees an equally, tired Bugs in a pant, who had apparently felt the need to run over to him from the couch as soon as he heard him walked inside.

"S...sorry." Bugs said while releasing his grip from Daffy, blushing a little, embarrassed.

"I...I just want to make sure that you were alright with you know... everything." Bugs added while rubbing his neck, nervously.

Daffy's heart sank a little, but his stubbornness wouldn't give in and kept on a straight face while answering him.

"Of course I am Bugs. Why wouldn't I be?" Daffy lied, hoping that he could quickly change the subject and forget about this whole mess but, Bugs wasn't having it as he looked on at Daffy worried.

His ears drooping a little from how painful this was all leading to, so he continued to push on his concerns for him.

"Daffy, be honest with me. Are you seriously okay with Lola and I? You can tell me if you're having any doubts or..." Bugs was going to say until he got cut off by Daffy, whose anger seemed to have swelled up in his tone.

"Yes, I am! I've already told you that its fine. Isn't this what you wanted? To impress her and win over her heart? Well, you got her back so, why are you worried if it has any affect on me? We've spent the past few days helping you clean up your act so that you convince her to come back to you. Isn't that right? Or was there something else that I have failed to mention?" Daffy snapped, bitterly much to Bugs's surprise as the two form a brief awkward silence between each other with the air still and hard to breathe from all of the intensity amongst them.

Bugs's heart was slowly dropping during the quietness with his face growing more red and frustrated.

He was disappointed that Daffy still refused to say anything against his renowned relationship with Lola, knowing full well that there is more to this than a brush off.

Otherwise, why would Daffy get hostile over a simple concern? Bugs thought as him and Daffy continue to have their minds pooling with overwhelming thoughts, constantly agging them on to talk but nothing came out until finally after a few more minutes passed, Bugs took in a deep sigh and broke the silence.

"*Sigh. No, you're right. I guess I'm just overthinking all of this. Thanks again really, for your help." Bugs said with a small grin.

"No problem. Sorry for snapping at you earlier, I just.... wanted you to be happy that's all. So, don't worry about me, okay?" Daffy said, softly as he placed a hand on his shoulder in reassurance for a moment until a notion in his head told him to hold back and jerkily moved his hand away from him, anxiously.

"I...I'm uh, heading to bed now. I'll see you in the morning, Bugs." Daffy said with a half smile and wave as he quickly turned around to resume his way up the staircase until Bugs's next words stopped his heart from beating on.

"Daffy, I'm getting married next week." Bugs bluntly stated while Daffy stood in the mist of a step, frozen.

His eyes were wide and his head was spinning in a daze.

It was one thing for them to get back together again but, this.....he didn't know if he can handle any of it much longer.

He wanted to cry so much right now but, his head that was now burning with multiple thoughts in his mind, forced him to stay still while Bugs looked down, sad.

That had to have been the hardest for him to say, despite his lack of honesty for what he was really feeling.

However, regardless to these absent feelings that both were reacting to from the statement, Bugs added on with an even more dreading question in mind.

"Will you be my best man?" Bugs asked, softly, hoping that this could be his last chance at confessing but, sadly Daffy still denied it all and blurted out his answer while facing away from Bugs.

"I'd be honored to. When do you want to start the preparations?" Daffy asked in a monotone voice, which was strained from the hurt that he was facing.

"We can go to a suits shop tomorrow afternoon and book a day for suit fitting. Then afterwards, I can call everyone and see if they might be coming since I don't have much time to send out any invites. But other than that, everything else is being taken care of. Lola's parents have already picked out the arrangements for the reception and ceremony. Plus, we may even have the wedding at the country club like last time and such. I was just...hoping that you be there with me is all." Bugs explained as he looked up at Daffy, who still haven't moved a inch, but replied not too long later.

"Sure, buddy I'll be there." Daffy said softly.

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow then." Bugs called out to him and waited for any more movement from until Daffy suddenly moved on straight forward to the staircase without looking back, but only because he wanted to sleep as the two from a large gapping distance, make their way up towards their rooms and shut the doors behind them.

Although not being far apart from each other, they can still feel a similar tension aching in their heads.

Maybe this is for the best.

Both thought silently as they lay on their beds, with their eyes, heavy from the overwhelming stress and eventually drifted off to sleep.

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