Chapter 18

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When they got to the church, Bugs got out of the car and dove straight inside while Porky took a minute to check on Daffy before he heads inside himself as he pulled out his phone and dialed the house number of the rented lake house.

"Hey, are you doing okay up there?" Porky asked right after the receiving line answered by the third ring.

"I'm fine. Did you give Bugs the gift?" Daffy asked, in a soft but saddened voice that was hurting Porky's heart bit by bit, but he continued to stay strong for his friend and confirmed his promise.

"Yeah, I did. He's inside right now getting ready so, I can call you back when it's all done." Porky informed in a winced tone.

It pains him to break down the news to Daffy that the wedding was still going on, but he had to at least be honest with him.

And there was no possible way to deny about it for sure.

"....." Was all Daffy could respond in a tension-filling long pause.

All Porky heard at that point was the fuzzy heaving-like breathing from the other end of the line up until finally, Daffy spoke once more.

"Okay. Just tell him that I hope that he has a good time at the ceremony. Wish him the best luck for me alright?" Daffy asked, his voice in a now more broken up and croaked.

Porky's face then started to pale up in guilt empathy and sighed.

It didn't matter that if he was there with him or not, he could immediately recognize, by the way Daffy sounded, that he was crying but tries to hold it back since he's over the phone.

"Sure. I'll be sure to do that." Porky said while nodding his head in affirmation.

"Have fun then. I'll talk to you later. Bye." Daffy said before hanging up on the phone. 

Oh boy. Porky thought while slowly heading inside the building, shaking his head in dismay.

He felt like he should just tell Bugs plain and straight that Daffy was the one for him.

But, despite the impacting emotional turn of events that the two had going on, he knows he cannot interfere.

All he can do is to be a good friend and advise.

To which he hopes for sure would be listened and taken into accounted for.


Meanwhile at the back end of the church in an single room area behind a curtain, Bugs was in deep thought of his own as he looks in the mirror and adjusted his suit some to look more presentable for the wedding.

Seeing how this was not an easy decision, he allowed himself to stay put in the area and kept trying to make everything 100% perfect when the truth in front of him was only saying the latter.

Frustrated with all of this, he fumed in anger and sat down on the ground in a huff.

His arms were wrapped around to his knees in a way that made you feel sorry for him.

After a moment, he managed to lift his head a little and sees the gift bag in front of him shining bright like a star.

To many people with this kind of experience, it's a sign that you would open up the gift anyways, even if the person is not by their side during this time.

And this happened to be the case as he immediately took the bag and removed all of the colorful little papers that goes inside the bag before you reach to the gift itself.

When he finally got to present, it was a box that was labeled Things Remembered, to which was of a familiar brand that he was able to recall to at the mall that day.

Before he knew it, he had suddenly put two and two together, gasping in shock with his eyes widened in surprise.

That '2-week' present was never supposed to be for Tina.

It was for him all along and he was so blind for not seeing it sooner.

Then, he thought about the date when he had ordered it.

If the wedding wasn't an immediate last-minute giveaway, then he would have never considered it as a wedding present but rather more of a birthday one at that.

Still regardless of the timing to it, it was still a gift and a very special one at that.

So, with his hands shaking in nervousness, he slowly opened up the box and stopped his breath all of a sudden.

Inside the box was a golden Los Angelos Sports Watch with exotic looking bluish colors in the background of it.

But that was not the best part.

Inside the watch was a secret locket that clicked to the sound of his finger pushing on side of it where the dial stood by.

Which opened it up to a picture in the inner slot of the locket.

It was Bugs and Daffy together in the photo.

They were smiling and laughing.

Oh how he missed that day.

A time where neither of them were upset or angry.

Instead, they were joyful and carrying on in their fun.

Bugs then took a minute to re-examine all of the times where Daffy had always been there for him.

When Taz needed their help in his escape, he was the one to distract the animal control using his hoodie while ultimately got it keep the Tasmanian Devil.

When the two wanted to be rid of their squatting neighbor Yosemite Sam, he was the one who made the plans and somehow with  Daffy's irritation and bluntness of the truth got him to leave.

When Bugs was stuck in the prison walls Albania, Daffy coincidently was there from the military forces to save him and bring him back home.

All of which, he had played a big role in his life and helped him through his troubles.

He could even remember the times when they fought during the Game Show incident and their time at the prison in Arizona but were still able to figure things out together, despite their disagreements.

Bugs then started to laugh at those good moments as he slowly forwards his memories up to the last time that Daffy was supportive to him.

It was right when Bugs was depressed over his break up with Lola and he was there beside him to help pick up the pieces.

The shopping days.

The Park.

And even....the closeness of Daffy's beak to his neck when he applied the cologne that day in the mall.

He could still imagine the warmly softness that glowed around his fur.

It had made him melt inside.

If only......Bugs thought as he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

The love that he was feeling for Daffy was being more realistic by every second and tries to trace it all to his mind until he was abruptly interrupted by someone's knock to the door and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Son, are you ready? It's time." Lola's dad Walter asked from the other end of the door.

"Oh! Y..yeah, I'm coming!" Bugs shouted in a clear loud voice for him to hear. 

"Excellent! My little princess will be waiting for you shortly now when you get ready." Walter said in a cheery I'm-fixin-to-be-a-father-in-law-soon type of manner and leaves him be.

When the footsteps became lighter, Bugs sigh in relief and look once more at the gift.

From there you could see his hand closing the locket in its place and wrapping the watch firmly around fingers tightly.

No matter what decision he makes today at the altar, his hand was never going to move that watch from it grip.

Because it now holds a special place to his rapid beating heart.

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