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Ok well I think you did so I will just like to say that I love you and you mean so much to me. Genuinely I think we will make it. As for if we actually will I don't know but I'm willing to fight for you. I will do my hardest to be the best me I can be for you and stop being so different and moody. I know it doesn't help. I promise to you that I will be here. You can always come to me whether it's for emotional comfort or a hug or affection. Anything you want I will give it to you. I love and appreciate you with all my heart. You are so handsome and kind and caring and smart and adorable and loving. You're waaaay too good for me but you chose me and I'm not going to waste that. I will be the woman you deserve because you are everything. It's like you're put up on this pedestal in my mind. As weird as that sounds it's true. There is no one above you and no one better than you. Okay I've ranted enough. I really want you to know that you are my everything and I love you. Goodnight or should I say good morning cause you're most likely gonna read this when you wake up tomorrow. I don't know but I hope you slept well and have an amazing day tomorrow. Fuck I want kisses. Ok byeeeeee

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