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Current days...

It was the beginning of classes and for many students it is an anxious time, but for Minju it was just another year that she could enjoy university life, as she had already graduated, however, she liked to live this other life where she could be more sweet and friendly to other people. We can say that university was like a hobby for Kim Minju.The phone rings.


[Hi Yujin.]


[Hello how are you? Do you really go to university for no reason again?]


[I'm fine, it's fun to see everyone's astonished face on the first day and you never know when there's going to be someone I'm going to want to approach.]

Minju laughs.


[You stay the same, always enjoying life the way you want.]


[My work gives me that freedom.]


[our work you mean. Honey, I'll pass by your house, give me a ride to the restaurant near the university?]


[Of course, but come fast.]

Bell rings.Minju:

[You already assumed I was going to take you so you came here without telling me.]


[Of course, when did you say no to me?]

Minju opens the door and ends the call.




I can say that I'm not very surprised...

Minju takes the keys from the bike, the helmets and the two friends leave towards the university. Yujin is at her destination and Minju leaves for the university. Once there, all the students in the parking lot stopped to look at that beautiful person who was getting off her motorcycle. On her way to class she meets an old acquaintance who was leaving the principal's office.


What a pleasant surprise to see you here Kim Chaewon.

Chaewon is startled to hear that voice and immediately turns to answer the person who spoke to her.


It's a surprise to see you, but I wouldn't say it's nice.


I still don't understand what I did to you to treat me like this. We were so good together.

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