A night of love.

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Seeing that Minju kissed Chaewon, Yuri went to her house to avoid finding Chaewon in that situation. Little by little, all the girls became closer due to the dangerous situation they were living. Minju and Chaewon were outside Yujin's room talking while Eunbi was with Yujin.

"You shouldn't have kissed me here." – Chaewon said.

"I needed to do this." – Minju said.

"How did you know I was here?" – asked Minju.

"I asked where one of my friends was and she happened to be here with her friend so I figured you might be here." – Chaewon said.

"Thank you for coming." – Minju said.

Yena leaves the bathroom.

"Minju, who is this pretty girl?" – Yena asked.

"This is Chaewon, a friend." – Minju said.

"Hello" – Chaewon said waving at Yena.

"Ah! So it's you." – Yena said.

"Where's Yuri? Has she left yet?" – Yena asked.

"Yuri was here?" – Chaewon asked.

"Yeah, she went to get coffee, but she hasn't come back so far." – Minju said.

"I'll go see if I can find her." – Yena said.

"What if Yuri saw the kiss." – Chaewon said.

"And? I don't owe her explanations and neither do you." – asked Minju.

"You would not understand." – Chaewon said.

"I know you like Yuri." – Minju said.

"And it looks like I'm not the only one." - Chaewon said irritated.

"What do you mean by that?" - Minju asked, uncomfortable.

"Did you understand what I said." – Chaewon said.Yena comes back from the cafeteria.

"She wasn't there and her car is no longer parked." – Yena said.

"She must be gone then." – Minju said.

"I'm going to Yuri's apartment." – Chaewon said.

"Not. I need to talk to her." – Minju said.

"Then go." – Chaewon said.

Minju goes to Yuri's apartment, but when he gets there, he realizes that there's a man standing at the door trying to open it.

"Hey! What are you doing there?" – Minju asked the man.

When the man sees Minju, he runs away and manages to escape.

"Damn it!" - Thought Minju.

The girl returns to Yuri's apartment, which had the door open. Minju enters and tries to find Yuri, but realizes she was taking a shower and decides to wait. Some time later Yuri comes out of her bathroom, but as she was used to living alone, she leaves the bathroom naked.

"My God!" - Shouted Minju.

"What are you doing here?" – Yuri asked taking the first towel she saw.

"I came to see why you left without saying anything." – Minju said.

"Wait for me to put on some clothes and we'll talk." – Yuri said.

"I've seen it all, what difference does it make?" - Minju said jokingly.

"Yes it does. If you don't want to leave the room, at least turn your face away." – Yuri said.

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