The first day.

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On Sunday morning Chaewon woke up Minju and said she had to go so she could say goodbye to her friends, but she was increasingly confused as to what she was doing as Yuri and Minju seemed to be willing to take her side no matter what. Night came and Chaewon went to Yuri's apartment.

In front of the apartment door she had butterflies in her stomach and couldn't ring the bell, but suddenly the door opened.

"I thought you weren't coming anymore" - said the girl who was wearing a dirty apron.

"I wouldn't go without saying goodbye to you Yuri."

"Come in or are you afraid I'll bite you?"

The girl outside enters and sees that Yuri has prepared dinner for them.

"Did you do all this alone? Why didn't you call me to help you?"

"It was not a big deal."

Yuri pulls out the chair for Chaewon."Please sit here miss."

"Very polite of you." - replied Chaewon who was a little embarrassed.

The two sit down and Yuri pours two glasses of wine and says to enjoy dinner.

"Are you going tomorrow?" asked Yuri as he handed the cup to the girl in front of her.

"Yes." - Chaewon replied.

"Chaewon, I need to tell you a few things before you go." - Yuri said.

"Tell me everything you want." – Chaewon replied, curious about what Yuri had to say.

"I don't want you to leave, but I've given it a lot of thought and I've come to the conclusion that this will help me make sure I like you as a friend or otherwise." – Yuri said nervously.

"That's exactly what I thought today." - Said Chaewon.

"You also have a relationship with this girl you went to see last night." – Yuri said.

The two are a little uncomfortable after Yuri mentions the other girl during dinner.

"I'm sorry about the kisses, I shouldn't have done this knowing you were involved with someone else." - Yuri said embarrassed.

"I should also apologize for not trying to prevent it from happening." – Chaewon said with a welcoming smile.

"And if you fall in love with someone when you're away... Promise me you'll be happy without thinking about what I'm going to think." – Yuri said.

Chaewon was very surprised by Yuri's words. The girl was thoughtful about the possibility of falling in love with someone else because it would not be her first time nor her second time.

"If that happens do you want to know?" – Chaewon asked in a lower tone.

"For sure! I'll be the godmother at your wedding and I'll cheer for your happiness, just as you often did for me." – Yuri said smiling.

Chaewon is moved by Yuri's sweet words, but controls himself not to cry.

"Today I insist you stay here, let's watch Monsters, Inc." – Yuri said.

"How to refuse such an invitation, isn't it?" – Chaewon said.

The two organize the table and wash the dishes in a good mood.

"It's still early, let's go for a drive?" – Yuri asked.

"What about our movie?" – Chaewon asked.

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