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Minju and Yuri arrange to meet after the end of the day in the library to talk about the work they have to present. Yuri arrives first and waits for Minju who is late.

"I'm sorry, I ended up being a little late." – Minju said.

"A little? You were forty-five minutes late." - Says Yuri annoyed.

"I arrived apologizing and you get angry?" - Minju said annoyed.

"Of course I can, I wasted time waiting for you." – Yuri said.

"I don't think we started off right, let's focus on work from now on and avoid that kind of thing." - Minju said trying to make things calmer.

"You talk like I've done something too, but you're the one who kept me waiting." – Yuri said.

"You annoy me, Jo Yuri" – Minju said staring at the other girl.

"I've already seen that we won't be able to reach an agreement." – Yuri said.

"In how many days do you think we can finish this?" – asked Minju.

"From what I've read on the subject, one weekend should be enough." – Yuri said.

"Then let's arrange to meet somewhere else to do this." – Minju said.

"The weekend then?" – Yuri asked.

"I won't be able to do this one, but for the next week I'm available." – Minju replied.

"Right!" – Yuri said that she was getting up to leave.

"Do you want a ride? I have two helmets on the motorcycle." – asked Minju.

"I don't want to, but thanks." – Yuri replied.

The two leave the library and go to find their friends.


Yuri arriving at the place sees Eunbi and Nako waiting for her at the restaurant's bar.

"Hi guys." – Yuri said sitting in the chair in front of the bar.

"Hi Yuri." – Say Nako and Eunbi.

"You're drinking so early Eunbi, that's not normal." - Said Yuri amazed.

"This is that bitch's fault! I have to report every day on everything our team has done." – Eunbi said tiredly.

"I thought she was cool." - Said Nako.

"Why doesn't she bug you all day." – Eunbi said.

"I haven't met her yet, what's her name?" – Yuri asked.

"Daughter of the devil!" – Eunbi said.

"It's Hitomi Honda." - Said Nako.

"Stay focused on Kim Minju and the rest me and Nako will take care of the rest." – Eunbi said.

"I am, but I don't think she's an easy person to sympathize with." – Yuri said.

"Aren't you the one teasing her too much?" – Nako asked.

"When have I teased anyone?" – Yuri asked.

"Nako is right. You love teasing people, but not everyone knows you the way we do and Minju might think you don't want to be friends with her." – Eunbi said.

"I come to drink with you and that's what I have to hear." - Yuri said shaking her head denying the statements.

"Let's drink then!" – Nako said calling the waiter with a sign.

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