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A new week was starting, Yuri was thinking about how Minju would react after what happened at the hotel, but she needed to keep approaching at any cost. Yuri went to college and sat next to Minju who was concentrating on writing something.

"Hi. Are you okay? You disappeared that day and didn't tell me anything." – Yuri said.

"I was scared by the situation and run away before anyone arrived, but I'm fine." – Minju replied.

The girl continued writing without paying much attention to Yuri.

"What are you going to do tonight?" – Yuri asked.

"First you kiss me and push me away, now you're asking me out?" – Minju said.

"Don't say that here." – Yuri said looking around to see if no one had heard.

"I do not mind." – Minju said.

"Look at my face when you're talking to me." – Yuri said irritated.

"If I look at you I might punch you or kiss you." – Minju said that he was still writing.

Yuri didn't know what to say at that moment so she decided to keep quiet and pay attention to what the teacher was saying.


The two girls barely knew each other and were already acting as if they'd known each other for a long time. At lunchtime Minju invited Yuri to have lunch with her, but things were awkward between them.

"You invited me to lunch and you don't say anything, that's not nice of you." – Yuri said.

"I like you Yuri." - Minju said looking the other girl in the eyes.

"It doesn't make sense, we don't even know each other well." – Yuri said nervously.

"Now my feelings have to make sense, idiot." - Minju said irritated.

"I don't know what to say to you, I don't know." – Yuri said.

"Reject me now and I can move on before this gets any bigger." – Minju said.

Yuri knew she should keep approaching Minju, but she remembered all the time that Chaewon was suffering for liking her and she didn't want to make anyone else suffer like that again.

"I don't like you that way Kim Minju and I don't want to hurt you so I'm going out of your life now." – Yuri said getting up from her chair.

Yuri preferred to throw her mission away than hurt someone else.


Yuri went to her job to talk to Hitomi.

"I don't keep approaching Minju, I can't do that." – Yuri said.

"Can I know why?" – Hitomi asked.

"She has feelings for me and I don't want to hurt her." – Yuri replied.

"Have you lost your mind? Caring about the feelings of someone who kills people in cold blood." - Hitomi said.

"She may be a killer, but I won't hurt anyone." - Yuri said firmly.

"So you're fired Ms. Jo." - Hitomi said.

"Okay then!" - Yuri said furiously.

Yuri left Hitomi's room furious, but she needed to remain calm so her friends wouldn't see her like that.

"Have you talked to her yet?" – asked Eunbi.

"Yes, she fired me." – Yuri said.

"I do not believe that!" – Eunbi said.

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