Sacrifices for love

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After last night, Yuri was now sure that she liked Minju much more than she thought, but despite having that certainty with her, she knew that she had to protect all the people important to her and for that she should do whatever it took to end that hunt that started some time ago. In the last few days Yuri and Minju were not able to see each other as often as they wanted, but she knew that their relationship would not be shaken by the distance, because their feeling was true and sincere.


Yuri was all set to meet the man she believed was behind the agents' murders and although Minju had asked her not to do anything alone, she did.

Minju went to Yuri's house that night.

"Hi Yul." – Minju said.

"Minju what are you doing here today?" – Yuri asked nervously.

"I didn't know I needed to call to visit my girlfriend." – Minju said.

"Of course you don't." – Yuri said.

"So what's the problem?" – asked Minju.

"It's just that today I'm going to meet my aunt and I forgot to tell you." – Yuri said.

"No problem Yul." – Minju said.

"Then let's see you later or tomorrow." – Yuri said.

"Before you go, give me a kiss." – Minju said.

Yuri approaches and holds Minju's face with both hands and kisses her, while kissing Yuri was emotional, she knew it might be the last time she would see Minju.

"I love you Minju, don't forget that." – Yuri said as she caressed Minju's face.

It was the first time Yuri had said he loved her, but Minju felt there was something wrong with that.

"I love you too, but why do you look so sad?" – asked Minju.

"Is nothing. I'm going because I don't want to be late." – Yuri said.

Minju was very confused by the fact that Yuri was so strange that day, but she called Yujin who had invited her for a beer and went to meet her friend.


Yujin reunites with Yena and Minju.

"How are you?" – Yujin asked.

"I am fine." – Minju said.

"I'm fine but a little upset with Chaewon." – Yena said.

"What happened?" – asked Minju.

"She couldn't make it on our first date, but she went to lunch with me today." – Yena said.

"And what's the problem with that?" – Yujin asked.

"It's just that she said she doesn't want anything serious right now because she's still getting used to the idea of ​​seeing Minju and Yuri together." – Yena said.

"I didn't want things to be like this." – Minju said.

"You were honest with your feelings and that's what matters." – Yujin said.

"I know, but things got weirder between the three of us." – Minju said.

"Time will help your relationship and I'm not giving up on Chaewon that easily." – Yena said.

"It's the first time I've seen you so determined to be with someone." – Yujin said.

"Maybe this time I like the person more than usual." – Yena said.

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