"Actually, it's Abayomi."

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"You are up early this morning," Spitfire says with a muffled voice since he had his head in his pillows, and all you could see was his eyes.

Beau nods, he was rested up in bed,

his back against the headboard,

with a smile, he answers, " Sleep well last night?"

Spitfire stretches and rolls over,

he was on his belly and rolled onto his side,

wrapping his arms around Beau's waist, "I did...I slept like a baby,"

Beau cracks a smile, then it disappears, "Did you get a visit from Scott yesterday?"

Spitfire smirks, "Actually, yes... he was with some girl, they were riding horses," he answers,

"that Sun of a gun, I don't trust him with you... " Beau explains with an implied tone.

"W-why?" Spitfire asked, continuing, "Scott won't hurt me... he promised, he'd always watch my back," before Spitfire could knowledge what happened, the sting from a slap across his face burned, his mouth fell open as he stared at Beau.

Beau was tense, his jaw tightened, and his fist doubled, "B-Beau?" Spitfire asks, frightened, placing his delicate fingers over his reddened cheek.

"Scott, is a horrible person, you hear me, Stay Away From Him!" Beau says grabbing ahold of Spitfire, shaking him aggressively by his shoulders, Spitfire's head ramming into the pillows.

Spitfire tried to fight back by jerking Beaus Hands from his shoulders, but Beau tightened his Grip, "Am I Clear?" he shouts.

Spitfire flinched as flashbacks of his father controlled his thoughts, "Get off me," Spitfire screamed, wrapping his one leg around Beau's waist and kicking him off and onto the floor.

Beaus Mouth was open in shock,

he just slapped Spitfire, who he promised he'd never strike.

"S-spitfire..." Beau says softly, standing up off the floor.

Spitfire shouts, jerking the covers off of him to stand on the other side of the bed, "How'd it feel?" He snarls, "And Yeah, Beau... Scott taught me that, it's called self-defense, to protect myself from people like you!" the last part he screamed, his voice high enough it's a wonder the windows didn't break, Beau Stood staring at Spitfire who was flipping out when he finally spoke again...

"Spitfire, Please, I'm sorry... I didn't-"

"Shut up!... Stay away from me, you hear me!" Spitfire yells, his hands shaking as he grasps the Advil bottle heading into the bathroom.

Beau watched Spitfire stomp away, he couldn't grasp why he did such, and it scared him.


Spitfire sat on the edge of the bathtub,

he was hyperventilating,

and couldn't seize ahold of that wind,

it felt it just kept running away from him.

He watched his hands shake as he rocked himself back and forth gently, The door handle being locked tightly shut, Spitfire was scared out of his mind but knew he was safe behind a locked door, Spitfire dumped the Advil pills into his hand, swallowing a few at once sighing as he gulped.

"Spitfire... please, open this door right now,

we need to talk," Beau pleaded on the outside of the bathroom door.

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