Tickle Wars

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Scott shook his head, disagreeing,

"There is No way possible you look like trash,

It ain't possible."

Spitfire took his head in his hands in utter pain,

it hurt badly,

and he closed his eyes tightly,

Scott Places a hand on Spitfire's fingers softly,

Scott could take both of Spitfire's hands and hold them tightly,

He had a much greater bone structure than Spitfire has,

and his hands were big compared to Spitfires.

"OH my head, it's pounding," Spitfire complains.

Scott frowns, observing, taking his hand and drying Spitfires tears,

"You haven't eaten anything,

if you took medicine for your head, you'd probably get sicker,

I'd suggest to sleep this off."

Spitfire sniffles, Drying his tears glimpsing over to Scott, who was sitting right next to him, "Don't leave Scotty, Please," he says softly.

Scott grimaces and bows, "I'm not leaving, I promise,

Close your eyes now,

when you wake, you'll feel better."

Spitfire sighs,

and pushes down further into his bed,

laying on his back,

he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Scott watched for a few minutes, but decides to walk noiselessly to the window seat to look outside,

it was beginning to look a lot like fall,

Middle of September

and the breeze was starting to turn bitter pretty quickly.

2 hours later

Spitfire still slept soundly,

Scott had dozed throughout the 2 hours

and still was napping when Spitfire awoke.

"S-Scotty, are you dead?" Spitfire asked, peering towards him.

Scott yawned, " I..." Scott yawned again " I fell asleep,

how ya feeling?" he says, standing up, walking over to Spitfire.

"Hmmm, Better," Spitfire stretched, "Much better,

sleeping is medicine, huh Scotty?"

"Yep, sure is,

there was this time when I had a hangover,

and man, I was sick that morning after,

but sleeping made it better,

sleeping is the secret medicine."

Spitfire smirked, sitting up " You could have napped with me,

There is plenty of room in this ol' bed."

Scott smiles and laughed

"I probably should have,

but didn't want to disturb you."

Spitfire laughed " I can sleep through a hurricane."

"Well, so could I, but,

seriously, I'm just happy your feeling better." Scott beams.

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