Ch. 32 Help Me Ciel

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Ciel sat up and looked out the window. "Sebastian, can we go check on that crying?" He asked sweetly, but concerned.

"Of course my love." Sebastian replied. He gently wrapped his tailcoat around Ciel. He picked up the uke and quickly walked outside.

They ran into the garden where the crying was the loudest. There was a body crumpled in a ball, sobbing hysterically.

Sebastian quickly put Ciel down, who in turn ran over to it. Ciel looked at her stunned. "E-Elizabeth?!"

She was now sixteen and actually very pretty. "H-Help!" The blonde begged/gasped.

"What's wrong? What do you need help with?" Ciel asked.

"" She stopped shaking and fell onto her back. Her eyes were the size of the moon. "Ciel..."

The bluenette, stunned, instantly checked for a pulse. His own heart raced furiously. Maybe Lizzie made him mad at times, or they argued on occasion, but he never wished for her to be hurt in anyway. "S-Sebastian..." Tears ran down his face as he called for the butler. Ciel's mouth was dry and his lungs felt like they were full of knives.

The elder demon ran over. "There is one way you can help her."

"H-How?" Ciel asked as he hugged her corpse.

"Heal her with black magic." He said quietly.

The uke nodded. 'It's my only choice at this point.' The neko demon thought to himself. "Lizzie, I'm sorry." Ciel kissed her head.

The blonde's eyes fluttered, they were a dark red. "Ci-Ciel? I saw a white light and a golden escalator. But, then all I saw is you...dying in front of me...there was a pale man in a black suit. He told me he I wouldn't be staying with him. That I went to church and was a person very different person from him. That God gives us second chances if we're truly sorry." He eyes then changed to a violet color. "I love God Ciel, I always have. But, I love you too. You, and Sebastian you're demons. That man...was Lucifer...wasn't he? But, he let me choose my own path? I thought he would try harder to persuade me."

"You heart, is too pure. He did try, but you believe in Jesus and God, so strongly that he failed and you became an angel. You lived a more holy lifestyle. You were too much of a Christian to believe in my father." Sebastian said softly. "I've heard rumors this was possible, but this is the first time I've ever seen it happen.

Ciel hugged her gently. His body felt like it was on fire, but he ignored the pain. "I'm glad you're safe."

Lizzie on the other hand was perfectly fine. "Thank you Ciel." She looked up at the sky. 'Thank you God.' The blonde thought to herself as she closed her eyes.

A dove flew over head and cooed softly. It was now seven a.m.

"Can we still be friends?" Ciel asked timidly.

"Yes, of course. And, I'm sorry for yelling at you and fighting with you all of the time." Lizzie kissed his head gently. Since she was an angel, (normal, not an arch), she chose which age she wanted to look. Which of course was fourteen, so she and the bluenette could look like they did when all of this started. Her eyes went back to their natural emerald after a moment.

The uke's tail and ears popped out and he fell asleep on her.

Lizzie's eyes widened. 'He's so cute.' She thought to Sebastian.

He nodded and picked the young demon up. The crow noticed the girl had a different dress on. When they first arrived it had been pink and torn, with bloodstains. Now, it was bright white with diamonds around the collar. The blonde also had a necklace on, it was a white heart with a gold cross. Sebastian smiled. 'Are you alright now? Would you like to stay for awhile?'

'Yes, I'm fine thank you. If Ciel doesn't mind.' She smiled.

'I highly doubt he will.' Sebastian led her inside. He gently laid the neko in his bed and smiled as he quietly shut the door.

Ciel slept most of the day. While Sebastian and Lizzie talked.

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