Ch. 34 The Final Day

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((Guys I'm sorry it's been so long. My parents saw that I posted a kuroshitsuji doujinshi on Instagram. Well, they didn't actually know it was mine. And, I lied, yes I feel bad, but I had to delete ninety percent of my photos. And, I'm still taking the PSSA's. In conclusion, sorry. I'll try to update once a week)).

Ciel woke up the next morning, already hard. His traits were already out as well. Since pants hurt his tail, and other areas at these points, he decided not to wear them. And, since he was in a lustful mood he decided to not wear underwear. The uke walked to the living room.

"Up already my lord?" Sebastian asked with a smile.

"Yep, I couldn't really sleep." He laid on the couch and looked up at the ceiling.

"Would you like your tea sir? I just prepared it." The butler asked sweetly.

The young earl nodded. "Yes, but I'd like you more~" He purred seductively.

A slight blush coated his cheeks. 'Oh of course, it is the finale day of his lust stage. This will be very interesting~'

The bluenette wasn't listening to his thoughts. "Will you play with me after I finish my tea~?" Ciel's tail swished back and forth eagerly.

"It depends, will you be a good kitten~?" The butler cooed.

"Perhaps, perhaps not. It depends, what would my punishment be~?" The neko smirked.

"It depends how naughty you are~" The seme walked over and kissed him deeply.

Ciel moaned softly and bit his lip with his small fangs. "Punish me~" He purred and finished his tea.

"Your room, my room, or here on the couch?" Sebastian asked softly.

The young demon thought for a moment. "Your room. Now."

"May I ask why? I thought you didn't like my room." The seme tilted his head slightly as he picked the uke up bridal style.

"I want your scent. All. Over. Me." He said seductively.

The crow quickly walked to his room and locked the door. Then, he pushed the dresser in front of it.

"What's with the dresser?" The young demon asked confused.

"The servants might think you're dying. You'll be screaming, a lot~" The butler smirked.

"They are idiots, but prove it. words are pointless~" The uke put his hands on the elder's shoulders. "Be as rough as you'd like~"

"Are you sure? I mean after a point I might enter my own lust stage." Sebastian said softly.

"I don't care, I know you have control. Hurt me~" The bluenette was almost begging.

The ravenette nodded. "If you're certain."

"I can't wait anymore! Stop stalling!" Ciel half moaned, half screamed at his butler.

"Yes, my love~" The butler purred seductively and rammed him at full force.

"Ahh~!" The uke loved this lust. He arched his back and grinded against Sebastian's hips.

The elder demon kept thrusting harder and faster. Soon, his black, silky wings were displayed. Sebastian had entered his own lust.

Ciel's eyes widened slightly. 'Wow, there's so beautiful.' "Sebby~!" He begged, his eyes a bright fuchsia.

The butler's were the same color. "Kitten~" He grunted softly. The seme thrusted and pumped him.

The neko moaned loudly and had an orgasm. Sebastian was getting too strong, after all he was still an adolescent. The young demon trembled as tears came to his eyes. He had already clawed down the crow's back and bit his neck and tasted his blood. To the uke nothing tasted better. Now he clung to the butler. The bluenette had his claws in Sebastian's back, his fangs in the butler's neck, and tears streamed down his face. 'I love you~' Ciel thought to him again and again. Then, his spot was hit for the sixty-ninth time. He started crying harder. Ciel released the butler and curled in a ball. "St-Stop it! Please!" The uke begged.

The seme's eye color went back to normal. "Ciel?" His eyes widened slightly when he saw the earl in so much pain. "Are you alright dear?"

The uke shook his head. "T-Too rough..." He said softly.

Sebastian noticed a few bit marks on his neck and shoulders, he gently picked the bluenette up and rocked him gently. He soon noticed the claw marks up Ciel's back. "My apologies, I-I didn't mean to lo-"

The young demon had put a finger to his lips. "It was my fault. I told you to hurt me, and you had no choice but to follow orders."

Sebastian kissed his head. "Even so, it was wrong of me to d-"

Ciel had kissed him deeply. After a moment he fell asleep in Sebastian's arms.

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