Phantomhive X Trancy Pt. 7

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The next morning Claude let Ciel and Alois sleep in. He prepared them a beautiful breakfast.

Ciel cried in his sleep. "Alois! Alois!" He called.

Alois jumped up. "Ciel! What happened?! What's wrong?!"

Ciel was still fast asleep. "Alois!" He yelled.

Alois kissed Ciel to wake him up.

Ciel jumped awake shaking. "Wh-where am I?" Ciel asked timidly like a child.

"At my manor Ciel." Alois explained how Ciel was screaming for him and how he kissed Ciel.

Ciel hugged him close. "I thought you died."

"No, Ciel you dreamt it and I'm perfectly fine." Alois replied.

Ciel's stomach rumbled.

Alois asked, "Are you hungry Ciel?"

Ciel nodded and they went down to eat.

Alois looked at the table. Ciel did too. They walked to the table and ate as much as they could.

Sebastian woke up later as well. He didn't have to clean or prepare anyone.

'Well there's Grell.' He remembered the reaper sleeping in the other room.

Grell slowly woke up shortly after Sebastian thought about him.

Sebastian quietly entered the room. "Mr. Sutcliff?"

Grell sat up. "Darling, you don't have to call me 'Mr.' you know."

"My apologies." Sebastian bowed.

"Bassi dear it's okay." Grell replied. "You can spoil me and baby me as much as you like. I enjoy that kind of thing."

Sebastian nodded remembering Grell was now his girlfriend. He carefully dressed Grell. "Do you like Earl Grey?" He asked quietly.

Grell looked at him. "Cherry tea is better."

"Would you like a cup of that instead?" Sebastian asked.

Grell nodded and Sebastian made it and brought it back. He served it to Grell.

"Is it ok dear?" He asked.

Grell took another sip. "This is delicious!" He kissed Sebastian's cheek as a "Thank you."

Sebastian slightly blushed. "Anything else?"

Grell shook his head. "I'm perfect."

Back to our earls.

Alois and Ciel are a ton of food.

Ciel smiled. "That was great, thanks."

Alois giggled. "Of course love~"

"What's for dessert~?" Ciel winked.

Alois smirked. "Do you wanna~?"

Ciel nodded. "I've known you long enough."

They went up to Alois' room and began "dessert".

"Bassi~" Grell called.

Sebastian walked over to him. "Yes?"

Grell smirked. "Do you have a cat costume?"

Sebastian nodded. "Yes, why?"

"Could I wear it?" Grell winked.

Sebastian blushed. Then, retrieved it. He put it on Grell.

'He's so cute as a kitty~' Sebastian thought to himself.

"Me-ow~" Grell purred.

Now to the "dessert".

Ciel was still a virgin and Alois only knew how because of that creepy old man when he was seven.

Curl blushed dark. "Alois~" he cried out seductively.

The door was locked and it was only Alois and Ciel.

"Yes my princess~?" Alois kissed Ciel.

"I-I'm going to-" Ciel came all over Alois. He blushed extremely dark.

Alois giggled and licked it up. "You're delicious~"

Ciel couldn't stop. He felt so vulnerable.

Alois kissed down to his waist. Then, sucked on his member.

Ciel was very overwhelmed by this.

Alois was barely using any force.

Ciel had fainted.

Alois stopped. He let Ciel rest.

Now, Grell was sitting on Sebastian's lap in a cat outfit. Sebastian pet his head and sang "Soft Kitty."

"Soft kitty, warm kitty, little of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty...purr...purr...purr."

Grell had fallen asleep in his arms.

Ten minutes passed and Ciel woke up.

"I'm sorry Alois, I'm just not used to it..." Ciel said sadly.

"It's alright Ciel in not upset." 'I'm glad you aren't hurt.' Alois said then thought.

Ciel and Alois talked about their pasts and Ciel sat on Alois' lap crying. Alois rubbed his back.

"Ciel it's'm here it's ok." Alois said calmly.

Ciel was like as toddler. "They..." he sniffled, "...might come back..." he cried harder.

Alois cuddled him. "Ciel I'll protect you calm down." Alois covered Ciel's eyes with his hand.

Ciel calmed down. He fell asleep in Alois' lap. He cuddled Alois in his sleep.

Grell had been cuddled and spoiled by Sebastian all day. He was treating Grell like a toddler.

"Who's my good wittle wearper~?" Sebastian asked.

Grell giggled. "Meh~"

Sebastian put him to bed and went to sleep.

Alois tucked Ciel in and slept with him.

It was a beautiful night with a full moon. Everyone slept soundly.

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