Phantomhive X Trancy Pt.14

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As you might have figured, Sebastian gets up in the middle of the night to prepare the manor. Demons don't need sleep like humans and reapers do. (Manga reference). Of course when he tried to leave his room at three-thirty in the morning Francis was close to crying.

"D-Daddy why don't ch-chu wub me?!" By that point tears were running done his face.

Sebastian of course was only trying to do his job. 'I can't fall behind already!' He thought to himself. "Francis, would you like to help me sir?" He asked quietly.

"W-Will chu wub me then?" The young blonde asked cutely.

Sebastian set Francis in his lap. "I already love you."

"Will-we?" Francis asked.

"Yes really." Sebastian replied.

"Yay!" Francis tried to yell, but Sebastian put a finger over the boy's lips.

"Everyone is asleep, so please do be quite." Sebastian said.

Francis nodded. He climbed onto Sebastian's back and let the butler work.

Time passed and it was time to wake our favorite couple.

"Masters, please wake up." Sebastian said tying the curtains back.

Both said up. "Schedules?" They asked in unison.

"Nothing for either of you." Sebastian replied, handing tea to each boy.

"I've been wondering, where's Francis?" Alois asked.

Before Sebastian could reply, Francis shouted, "HERE I AM!" He poked his head over Sebastian's shoulder.

Sebastian flinched quickly, but remained mostly calm. Ciel did as well. Alois, on the other hand, jumped about ten feet in the air and spilled hot tea in his lap.

"OWOWOW!" The elder earl yelped in pain.

Sebastian quickly picked Alois up, (he only had on his shirt and underwear). Sebastian ran to the bathroom and took Alois' clothes off quickly. He put cold water in the tub.

Alois shivered. "Th-thanks." He said looking at the butler.

"My apologies sir." Sebastian bowed his head. "I had no idea."

"It's fine, go back to Ciel to clean the sheets. I'll be fine here." Alois said.

Sebastian nodded. "If you insist." He walked back to the room.

"Go apologize to Alois!" Ciel demanded.

"But, mommy-" Francis immediately shut up when he saw Sebastian.

"Master Trancy will be alright in a few minutes sir." Sebastian said.

"Change the sheets please." Ciel asked.

"Yes sir." Sebastian did quickly.

"Can I go see Alois?" Ciel asked impatiently.

Sebastian nodded. He glared at Francis after he was done with the sheets. "You will go apologize."

"But, daddy I-" Francis began, then stopped when Sebastian's eyes flashed.

"And, you will mean it." Sebastian continued. "But, I'm still punishing you."

Francis ran into the bathroom. "Al-oh-is, I'm sowwy." He bowed his head.

Alois sighed. "Whatever."

Francis walked out. 'I did what Daddy and Mommy asked. Maybe they aren't mad anymore. No punishment!' He smiled.

When he got back to the room Sebastian picked him up and put Francis over his knee.he sat on the edge of the bed. "I hate to do this, but you leave me no choice sir." Sebastian pulled the back of his pants and underwear down. He spanked Francis ten times.

By that time he was in tears crying. "D-Daddy?" He sniffled.

Sebastian pulled his pants back up and sighed. Francis sat on his lap. 'Well, he shouldn't act that way.' Sebastian thought.

Francis looked into the demon's eyes. "I-I sowwy I bad."

"You aren't bad, you only made a bad choice." He replied.

"Do chu still wub me?" Francis asked still crying.

"Of course I do." Sebastian said as he gently pulled the blonde boy into a hug. "Most all can be forgiven, but not forgotten."

Francis hugged back and cried on Sebastian's shoulder.

Back to our earls.

Alois was fine a little while after that and he and Ciel were having fun.

"Yes~!" Ciel cried in pleasure.

Alois smirked. "Like this~?"

Ciel moaned louder. "Alois~"

Both boys were in Alois' room.

Francis heard them through their door. "Daddy what's wrong with Mommy?"

"N-Nothing sir." Sebastian said slightly blushing.

More time passed and it was bedtime.

"Good night sirs." Sebastian said tucking the earls in.

"Good night Sebastian." They said in unison.

It was like the night before. Sebastian with Francis. And, the earls.


((Admin note: Every Saturday at five am now sorry. And I finally found the italics. I'm a genius. Enjoy the chapter)).

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