Phantomhive X Trancy Pt. 10

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-Admin note- ((sorry for not updating sooner. It was my mom's birthday yesterday and I've been busy lately)).

Sebastian woke up at three am.

Shadow was sound asleep.

He walked out and made meal preparations then cleaned. 'I'm so glad I have Shadow to keep me company.' A small smile spread across his lips.

Now it was six am. Sebastian walked into Ciel's room was a tea tray and newspaper. He pulled back the curtains and tied them. He walked over to Ciel. "Master, please wake up." Sebastian said quietly.

Ciel opened his eyes. "Schedule?" He yawned.

"Math study at two o'clock." Sebastian replied, handing Ciel the morning paper.

"Is that all?" Ciel said taking it.

"Indeed sir." Sebastian said pouring his tea.

Ciel scanned threw the paper. "Any new tasks from Her Majesty?"

"Not yet sir." Sebastian handed Ciel his tea.

Alois was still fast asleep. He grabbed Ciel's member thinking it was his arm.

Ciel blushed dark as he looked down. His legs were covered so you couldn't see Alois' hand.

Alois gently squeezed as Ciel held in a moan. Alois tightened his gripped and rubbed with the other hand.

Ciel moaned while he threw his head back blushing.

Alois woke up and quickly let go. "I-I'm s-sorry." He said noticing Sebastian.

"I-it's fine." Ciel said still blushing.

Sebastian quickly dressed Ciel. "Shall I dress Master Trancy?"

Ciel nodded.

Sebastian quickly dressed Alois as well.

He left with the tea set.

Alois looked at Ciel. "How'd it feel~?"

Ciel blushed. "Really good, you're hands were warm."

Alois smirked. "I'll play with you after breakfast~"

Ciel blushed darker. "I can't wait~"

They walked downstairs together and ate.

"Do you need anything sirs?" Sebastian asked after they were seated.

"No Sebastian, you can attend to your cat." Ciel said.

"Alright master." Sebastian bowed and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a bit of tuna from last night's dinner and put it in a bowl. He walked upstairs and opened the door to his room. "Shadow, come here girl." He called.

Shadow opened her eyes and stretched. She jumped off the bed and landed gracefully. 'It's so early, but Sebastian brought food. Man, I'm hungry.' She looked up at him. 'Is this for me?'

Sebastian nodded. "Yes, it's yours."

She ate happily. 'Yippee!'

Sebastian smiled and sat on the bed.

Shadow finished and jumped on his lap. She purred and nuzzled him.

He chuckled. "You're so cute."

Shadow licked his hand. (Technically his glove).

Time passed and now Ciel was at his lesson.

Alois hadn't played with him yet.

Ciel finished and walked downstairs to find Alois.

Alois had fallen asleep sitting up.

Ciel had Sebastian escort his tutor out. He kissed Alois' lips gently.

Alois opened his eyes and kissed back deeply.

Ciel took his hand. "Can we play~?" He winked.

Alois giggled. "Of course~"

They walked upstairs. Alois locked the door and took his clothes off. Then, slowly took off Ciel's, making him more horny. Ciel had a boner.

"Oh my~" Alois smirked. "A bit excited are we~?"

Ciel blushed dark. He looked away.

Alois lifted Ciel's chin so he couldn't look away. "Will you be a good boy, or shall I punish you~?" Alois sat beside him and licked his ear.

Ciel shivered, his boner got bigger. He leaned on Alois' chest.

Alois hugged him. "Pleasure first~"

Ciel looked at him. "What do you have in mind~?"

Alois kissed him deeply and rubbed his back. Ciel moaned and hugged him while kissing back. Alois broke the kiss.

"Do you want a fun punishment~?" Alois asked.

"What do you mean by 'fun'?" Ciel asked a bit nervous.

"You'll see~" Alois smirked. "Close your eyes~"

Ciel did. "O-okay n-now what?"

Alois tied his arms to the bed. "Trust me~"

Ciel tried to move, but couldn't. "Alois?!"

"Darling, it alright~" Alois kissed him and rubbed his back.

Ciel was on an angle tied to the top of the headboard. It dipped down and there were two designs that were shaped for the tips. Ciel's head rested on the back.

Alois straddled him. "Come on dear~"

Ciel was terrified. 'This isn't what he normally does. I don't like this. I'm scarred.' Ciel's eye was closed tightly and his teeth clenched shut. Alois entered him hard. He moaned loudly. Alois was going far too hard for Ciel.

'Make it stop! Make it stop!' Ciel pleaded in his mind.

Alois felt something drip on his head. He looked up, Ciel was crying.

Alois stopped and untied him. Ciel slowly opened his eyes and unclenched his jaw.

Alois watched him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you that bad. Please forgive me."

Ciel looked at him. "A-Alois..."

Alois was crying on his chest. "Y-yes?"

"How could you do that to me?!" Ciel cried harder.

Alois rubbed his back. "I didn't think it would hurt so much..."

Ciel wrists were now bleeding. He couldn't stop crying.

Alois hugged him. "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry won't fix it!" Ciel balled.

Alois looked at him. "Ciel?"

"What?!" Ciel said furiously.

Alois picked him up and rocked him. He began singing a lullaby.

"That...won'" Ciel yawned. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Alois laid him down carefully and put the rope in the trash. He put medicine on Ciel's wrists and member. They started healing.

An hour passed and Ciel was healed. 'What happened?' Ciel wondered.

Alois was fully dressed. 'How did the medicine work so fast?'

Ciel crawled over and sat on his lap. "Alois?"

"Yes Ciel?" He answered.

"I'm sorry." Ciel said.

'He's sorry?!' Alois thought confused. "Why?"

"Because, I'm weak." Ciel hung his head.

"No you aren't." Alois kissed him.

Ciel blushed and kissed back. "Th-thanks."

Later, they both ate and went to bed.

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