Phantomhive X Trancy Pt. 11

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Both earls woke up around the same time the next morning.

"Good morning love~" Ciel said to Alois.

"Good morning dear~" Alois replied.

Sebastian performed the usual tasks.

Around noon Sebastian heard a knock at the door.

'Odd, the math tutor doesn't come until three', Sebastian thought to himself. He walked over and opened the door. Sebastian couldn't believe his eyes. "Lady Elizabeth, what a surprise." He replied calmly.

"Where is he?" She demanded.

"The young lord is in his room." Sebastian replied before he could say anything else she was marching toward the stairs.

She stomped up and pounded on his door.

Ciel was being licked in between the legs by Alois. "Ah, yes right there~"

Alois giggled. "Good boy~" Ciel had cum on his tongue. "You're delicious~"

"Ciel opened this damn door!" Elizabeth yelled.

Ciel froze. 'Did she just swear?! And, why is she here?!' He quickly unlocked the door and covered himself up.

"Ciel I was going to come back...but it's too late..." Elizabeth said.

"C-Come back? Why, your family canceled the marriage? You said you hated me!" He was thinking back.

Alois hugged Ciel. "Back off sister, he's my man now." He snapped his fingers.

"Really? You need a boy to replace me? How sad." She mocked.

"If all you're going to do is mock me, then leave." Ciel said calmly.

"F-fine!" Elizabeth smacked Ciel as hard as she could as ran out sobbing.

A red mark was already forming.

Sebastian ran upstairs. "Master?!" His eyes widened when saw the handprint.

"Sebastian, don't apologize." Ciel said.

"But, master I-", Sebastian began.

"Just relax and get some ice." He told the butler calmly.

Sebastian nodded and came back with a small bag wrapped in a towel.

"Thank you, you're dismissed." Ciel replied.

Sebastian bowed and left.

Alois held the ice on Ciel's cheek.

"You don't ha-", Ciel was cut off. A finger placed on his lips.

"Sh...I want to." Alois said.

Ciel slightly blushed. "Thanks Alois."

"" Alois slowly laid down with Ciel and traced circles on his chest.

Ciel slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

His math tutor called off sick for the day.

"I hope you get better soon." Sebastian said kindly.

"Tha-ahahchooo! Thank you." Replied a nasally voice.

Sebastian hung the phone up and went to tell the young lord. He knocked on the door and heard no answer. Sebastian carefully and slowly oped the door. He saw both boys were asleep. Ciel was on Alois' chest. A small smile came across Sebastian's lips. He didn't want to wake them.

They both smiled up at him almost like a 'thanks for always being there' smile.

He smiled back. 'They are too cute.' He chuckled quietly.

They woke up two hours before dinner so they talked and laughed.

"And, so she used shoe polish to clean the manor." Ciel said thinking back.

Alois laughed. "Did Sebastian almost die?"

"Just about." Ciel remembered his face.

It was now seven and dinner was ready.

They finish thirty minutes later and Sebastian cleaned up.

More time passed and it was bedtime.

Sebastian walked up and tucked the earls in.

Alois snuggled Ciel. "Thanks." He smiled.

Ciel was already fast asleep.

Sebastian smiled and nodded as he walked out and closed the door.

Alois hugged Ciel. 'It's so dark. But, I have to protect Ciel.' He shivered.

Ciel woke up. "It's alright, we can protect each other~" The bluenette smiled.

Alois nodded then fell asleep.

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