Phantomhive X Trancy Pt. 15

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((Admin note: Guys I'm sorry it has been so long. My friend actually encouraged me to keep writing. I was planning on quitting because I have no time. But, that's why I'm up at five a.m now. Thanks Stein. And, all of you who still are continuing to read)).


A month or so passed.

Sebastian was cleaning. Then, heard Ciel crying. He immediately ran up the stairs.

'I was going to let him sleep in today ah well...I hope he's alright though...'

"Why?! Why did you do this?!" Ciel sobbed.

Sebastian knocked on the door.

Ciel was crying too hard to hear him. "I can't believe this..."

Sebastian walked in. "Master, what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing..." The bluenette cried harder.

Alois cupped the uke's cheek. "I know 'sorry' doesn't fix it, but I really am..."

Ciel looked into his eyes for a moment. "A-Alois...?"

"Fine, I'll prove it." Alois kissed him deeply.

Ciel blushed. "I...forgive you..."

"Good." Alois smiled.

Sebastian sighed quietly. "Neither of you have anything on your shedules."

"Okay, I'm guessing you want to know what our argument was about?" Alois asked smugly.

"No, it does not concern me as long as you both are in good health." Sebastian replied.

Alois groaned. "You're so boring..."

"My apologies", the butler bowed deeply.

Alois rolled his eyes.

"Sebastian, do you have our tea?" Ciel asked.

"Indeed sir." Sebastian poured both earls a cup.

"Thanks." Ciel and Alois replied.

Francis walked in. "Wat's wong?"

"Nothing." Alois said.

"Why am I always weft out?" Francis pouted.

"Sir, their skirmish is finished, it is pointless to pry." Sebastian replied.

Francis had no idea what any of that meant, but he nodded. "Okay Daddy."

"Breakfast is on the table for all of you." The butler said.

'Daddy seems annoyed...' Francis thought to himself.

Sebastian dressed the three boys and they walked downstairs. Alois accidentally tripped Francis.

"Are you okay?" Alois asked sincerely.

"L-Like ch-chu cawe." Tears formed in Francis' eyes.

Alois tried to help him up, but Francis got up on his own and ran to his room.

Ciel put a hand on Alois' shoulder. "It's fine, I know you didn't mean to."

Alois hugged him. "I'm sorry I screw everything up."

"The only thing you screw, is me~" Ciel replied.

Alois blushed and laughed. "Bad boy, I might have to punish you for that~"

Ciel smirked. "I am in the mood for sausage this morning~"

"As am I~" Alois responded.

They both laughed.

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