Phantomhive X Trancy Pt. 3

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Alois' eyes widened, he blushed as dark as you can imagine. Then, he kissed back.

'Does Ciel love me?' Alois wondered. '...or, is he just trying to comfort me?'

Ciel kissed a bit deeper. He and Alois were running out of breath. He slowly broke the kiss. Alois looked at him confused. Ciel hugged him. Alois hugged back.



"I love you." They said in unison.

They both blushed dark with wide eyes. Ciel actually smiled. Alois couldn't believe it.

'He's smiling?!'s really cute.'

"Alois are you alright?" Ciel asked.

Since Alois was staring off into space.

Alois snapped out of it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking..."

"What were you thinking about?" Ciel asked politely. Alois blushed.

'What do I tell him?!' Alois panicked in his mind.

He wouldn't show it. Alois walked over and took his hands. He sat beside Ciel on the side of the bed.

'I wonder what will happen?' Ciel thought.

Alois looked into his eyes.

"C-Ciel will you be my g-girlfriend?"

Both boys blushed extremely dark.

"Y-yes Alois...I'd be honored." Ciel said quietly.

Alois kissed Ciel then jumped up.

"Please excuse me." Alois said kindly.

Ciel nodded. Alois got up. He danced and twirled around the room.

"OL'E!" He shouted in a loud, sharp voice.

Ciel sat on the edge of the bed and giggled. 'He's so cute.'

Alois sat down beside Ciel. "Sorry I just..." Alois couldn't think how to say it.

Ciel nodded. "I know. Besides, it's nice to see you in such a good mood."

Alois looked at him. "Really?"

Ciel kissed him. "Does that answer your question?"

Alois was caught off guard. He smiled and hugged Ciel. He carefully licked Ciel's ear. Ciel flinched.

"You're lucky that you're handsome." Ciel looked at him.

Alois drew back and laughed. "No, I'm lucky I have you."

Ciel blushed dark. "S-seriously?"

Alois copied Ciel and kissed him. "Does that answer your question?"

Ciel giggled. "Maybe..."

They talked and laughed all afternoon. It was ten o'clock and Sebastian took all the servants back to the Trancy Manor. He and Claude knocked on the bedroom door.

"My lord?" Sebastian asked a bit nervous, but not letting it show.

"Your highness?" Claude asked disgusted.

Ciel and Alois stopped kissing.

"Don't go Ciel!" Alois pleaded quietly.

"I'll be back love~" Ciel replied.

Alois grabbed his wrist. Ciel kissed him. Ciel patted his hand then walked out. He glanced back at Alois and smiled. Alois blushed. He waved and Ciel did too. Sebastian took Ciel back to his manor.

"Well master...?" Sebastian was debating on how to phrase it.

"I'm fine Sebastian." Ciel sighed.

"Did he do anything?" Sebastian asked worried.

"No." Ciel said blushing.

"Master, are you...blushing?" Sebastian asked.

Ciel blushed darker. "N-no! Shut up!"

Sebastian chuckled. "Do you actually like him?"

"I-I...mind your own business!" Ciel replied annoyed and embarrassed. "Besides, you know Lady Elizabeth canceled our marriage. As well as, us dating." Ciel looked into his eyes.

Sebastian looked back highly amused. "So, are you dating him now?"

"Why does it matter?! It's my business!" Ciel looked out the window.

Sebastian chuckled. "Earl Trancy and Earl Phantomhive sitting in a..." Sebastian sang.

Ciel blushed even darker. "I told you to be quiet Sebastian."

"You didn't say how long, or at what time." Sebastian replied.

'Crap! He has a point.' Ciel thought. "Until we get home."

Sebastian nodded. "Yes, my young lord."

They sat in silence until they reached the manor. Sebastian tucked Ciel in. It was eleven o'clock. Ciel fell asleep dreaming of Alois. Alois sat in bed not wanting to sleep. Claude had tucked him in after Ciel left. But, Claude didn't say anything to him other than.

"Good night your highness."

Alois felt slightly, (really), hurt by that. He fell asleep and dreamed of Ciel.

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