Ch. 36 I'm not upset

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The uke woke up to find that he was in the crow's arms. He realized Sebastian was carrying him. The neko looked at him confused. "What happened?" He asked softly.

The butler kissed his head. "Demon Vegas." He replied softly. "Do you feel alright?"

Ciel shook his head. "I have a horrid headache."

"I'll give you something for it when we get back." Sebastian said with a small nod.

"Where are we?" The bluenette asked confused.

"In hell, we still need to walk to my manor. Otherwise, we can't teleport." Sebastian explained. "Others would see us and get jealous."

Ciel nodded. "Thank you for carrying me." He paused and thought. "Do you want to put me down? Am I too heavy?"

"No kitten, I enjoy carrying you. I know it makes you feel safe." He whispered softly.

Ciel blushed dark. "S-Sebby..." He whined quietly.

"Yes dear?" Sebastian replied sweetly.

"You're embarrassing me." Ciel commented in a soft tone of voice.

Ten minutes passed and they were home.

The neko fell asleep in the crow's arms. He looked so irresistible in his sleep, it was almost sad.

The butler carefully tucked him in and laid beside him. He soon fell asleep as well.

The uke woke up the next day, he felt perfectly well. Ciel noticed Sebastian was asleep so, he made him a cake and a cup of tea. 'Better late than never.' The young earl thought to himself. The bluenette carefully walked the tray to the seme.

By that time, Sebastian was awake and sitting propped against his pillow. "My love?" He asked confused.

"I meant to give this to you on your actual birthday, but you never mentioned when it was." Ciel said softly.

Sebastian kissed his head and carefully took the tray. "You never asked." He replied playfully and took a bite. "Mmm~ Delicious."

The neko blushed slightly, his traits appears instantly. "Thank you, I tried." The kitchen actually wasn't a wreck. The young earl had also washed the dishes and put everything away.

Shadow floated up beside the crow, who in turn strokes her happily.

Every time he did that Ciel got jealous, although he wasn't sure why. It was another part of demon puberty. Some months he was distant. Others, you couldn't get him off your leg.

The elder demon didn't seem to mind though. He loved to cuddle and respected the alone time.

All in all Ciel was really becoming a mature adult, slowly but surely.

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