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"Focus, it's not that hard, none of you are even getting close to the target. Imagine if an actual person was there" Jennie muttered as she walked behind the soldiers.

They were currently all standing in a single file facing the targets as they had their pistols up, ready to shoot.

"And you guys, stop flinching and ducking, you all are a team, you need to trust the other. They are just as good as you to be here, so have faith in them." She called out to the people standing mid way the targets.

Currently, she was teaching them to be even more precise with their aim, and building their team.

The group had split into pairs, with one shooting and one standing between them and the target, and the goal was for them to shoot the target despite the person in the middle.

"Shooters, prove that you can be trusted. Prove you have what it takes." She said riling up them, to provoke them to do better.

After a few more shots she shook her head in frustration.

"Stop! All of you!" She exclaimed infuriated as they followed, lowering their guns and coming to form a line in front of her.

"You all have the honour to be a part of this team, and I'd expect you to act up to it. However, I've seen nothing but disappointment today." She avowed.

Everyone had listened, not having much to say, although they did feel like they were being scolded by a professor who was disappointed in their class collectively.

"You, as a team that risks your lives every day, should already be at the point to trust each other with your lives. Yet half of you are cowering and the other half are hesitating to shoot. That doesn't look very convincing." She said examining their facial expressions.

She didn't care if she had to be hard on them, this wasn't school.

With a sigh, she held her head high as she walked over the field, half point before a target, her tied hair bouncing with every step she took.

"Who's post was this?" She asked as she was there.

The soldiers looked between each other confused yet responded.

"Mine, Ma'am" Jungkook responded reluctantly, not liking where this was going.

"Shoot" she said as she looked him in the eye, as the other soldiers were startled, and gaped.

Jungkook didn't know what to do as he glanced at Lisa who only ushered him to go, knowing making Jennie mad was worse than accidentally shooting her.

"Here's the deal Jungkook. I don't care if you accidentally shoot me, I want to see that bullet hit the target, and that you shouldn't hesitate. If you hesitate, you can expect to sit out he next session, and instead be on chore duty, and a lot more" she said with a stern expression as she stood rooted.

Jungkook nervously widened his eyes, as he himself was standing stock-still.

She raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms.

"We don't have all day" she added, as he finally moved after a strong nudge from Lisa.

Nervously standing in the zone, he pulled out his gun and positioned himself, and looked at Jennie, unsure and too nervous, as his stance was visibly weaker than normal.

But one look at her eyes, one brief moment of eye contact and he was able to see that she in fact trusted him, as she had zero fear in her eyes.

That somehow reassured him and gave him enough of a boost to fix his posture, as he stood confidentially and now ready to take the shot.

Focused, he let his finger go over the trigger, as he fired, finally, without being hesitant.

The bullet seemed to travel in slow motion, as it passed right by Jennie's ear, and hit the target board behind.

Everyone had visibly let out a sigh of relief other than Jennie, who had just begun walking back.

"Improve your shot Jeon, that isn't a bullseye" she said, but he swore he could see the slight smile she gave him.

"Oh Un- I mean Major. Y-your ear" Lisa started as she noticed, and Jennie quizzically raised a finger to touch her right esr, pulling back to see a stain of blood on her finger.

"Ah, I knew I felt a little sting. I'll take care of it. The rest of you!" She said as everyone attentively listened again.

"You will work on this till you get a perfect shot, starting right now. I will come back and check within 2 hours, and if you don't have what I need, you can imagine. Group yourselves into pairs and get working" she announced as everyone had been astonished at the news of only having two hours.


"Stop hesitating Jeon!" Lisa yelled at him as he couldn't help but falter.

"I'm not! You keep moving!" He yelled back, as the two had gotten into a fit for the umpteenth time.

"Oh god! Let's take a break! I can't do this!" Lisa exclaimed as she stomped towards the building, as he only followed her with a shake of his head.

"Here" he said handing her a carton of orange juice as they sat at a ledge, once they had calmed down.

"Thanks" she muttered taking it herself, as she drank it through the small straw.

"What do you think we're doing wrong?" She sighed as he sipped at his own drink himself.

"Trust." He replied solemnly as Lisa clashed her eyebrows together.

"Trust? But you were fine with Unnie? I trust that" she replied as he only nodded a no.

"You don't trust me. And that's what's important. You only trust the fact that I was able to trust Jennie. The only reason is because, when I saw her, the look she gave me was enough to tell me that she trusted me, and I trusted her. You need to trust me, not the fact that I was able to do it with someone else" he said as he looked at her, speaking genuinely.

"Look Lalisa, the last thing I'd ever do was let you get hurt. I care for you, and I trust you, and I won't let you get hurt as much as it's in my control. I need you to trust me with that. Can you?" He asked as he took her hand in his, and gave her one of the most sincere looks she had ever received.

With the slight blush of her cheeks and a look in her eyes, she replied.

"I trust you, and I will"


"See? That wasn't so hard was it? You all got yes'" Jennie said to the array of exhausted soldiers who stood before her.

"Okay, you're free now. Go patrol and then take off" she said with a wave of her hand as she walked away.

"Yes!" Lisa and Jungkook exclaimed with a hug, a subconscious one, as they were over whelmed with emotions, but parted once they realised their actions as they had red painted cheeks.

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