Jack Hyde

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Jack Hyde
I can't get the girls out of my mind. I nearly got away with them, but they were found by their father and he got them medical attention and guards. I hadn't been able to take their virginity yet. I saw them being taken out by ambulance and I had to leave town. So I did and Louisiana is an easy place to disappear in, but not one I wanted to live in. I finally made it back, but the Steele home was sold to someone else and there was no forwarding address or phone number. I attempted to ask and I told by everyone they knew that they just moved one morning and never told anyone. There were whispers about leaving because of the kidnapping. One lady called the cops on me and I narrowly escaped them. I missed my chance again. Those girls are mine.
Debra Simmons
I call Raymond from my burner phone and tell him the guy came asking about them and I called the cops. I sent him the photos I got of him, he gave me a different name. Raymond was right the guy has been snooping around and we gave the cops the photos and an a description of the man. I am glad I have sons.
I can't believe he would walk up to our home in Texas and ask where we moved to. He must be insane. After seeing what he did to them without yet raping them, there is no doubt he is insane. The hospital has photos of all the injuries on my girls. The plastic surgeons had to work tirelessly and they did a great job. The scars on the outside are minimal, but the ones on the inside will never completely heal. They work out constantly and shoot, and know all kinds of self defenses. They have carry and conceal licenses and both are good shots. I hired the best self defense in Texas and have found a great one here in Seattle. Both girls will be training alongside me and Carla. Carla is really not too interested in learning, but she wants to make her daughters are safe.
We finally get the business open and we created living space in the four floors we don't use for our company. I need to decide if I am going to tell my family about the guy asking our whereabouts. After I read the interviews the girls gave, this guy believes he owns my girls and won't let go easily and I now have confirmation of that. He was really bold to come to see if the girls were home. Who does that, but an insane person.
Dad has been contemplating something and I am thinking he has something else on his mind besides the bandages on our wrists. I decide we need to talk. We finally tell him about the incident and he tells us the guy who kidnapped us came to our home in Texas looking for us. Mrs Simmons told him and gave him photos of the guy. We verify it is definitely him.
We are going to have to be on alert for this guy, because he singlehandedly took both me and Anastasia hostage. I still don't know how he did it. The hospital said we had a drug in our systems when they treated us. They seemed to think that is how he got both of us. We were taken at separate locations and that was another reason he was able to do it.
Until this man is found you will have a male and female CPO at all times. Don't stop and help stranded people just call someone to help them. You never know who is willing to set up stranded vehicles to get you to stop. The guy who took you would definitely think of that.I want you to check your supplies in your van. Assure they are ready to load and shoot. Both of you are going to be vigilant and as far as the Smith thing goes settle with them and get an apology from them.
We will contact them and see about arranging a settlement meeting. I want you and mom there as well.
We can be there, but you need to leave out about the guy in Texas looking for you both until I need to tell her.
The girls told me everything that happened and I want to rip those guys and their boss a new one.
We have guests tonight and we are talking apology and settlement for each woman. Grace has to be here and the seven security have to as well. We came up with a hundred thousand each for what happened. They were apologized to and given the money in cashiers checks. They signed an agreement to not tell anyone about the incident involving the seven security men's actions and Grace's lack of action to stop her employees. They made sure that the events of that day were the only day they would not be allowed to talk about. Anything happened or happens after that they can talk about to their hearts content. An NDA for one day in particular is a bit odd, but Anastasia was able to draw it up using her phone and sent it to my printer. I made myself re copies for everyone.
A one day NDA, you can tell she knows what she is doing, now if I could tell the difference between the two of them. Both are very smart. Their parents are as well.
They invited us to stay for a meal, I don't want to stay where someone thinks it is okay for their employee to treat my daughters that badly. She is a dr, for heavens sake. She had to be drunk or just didn't know what she was looking at before her. I mean who just sits there and doesn't prevent her employees from overreacting to a couple of women showing up at three different places.

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