Life Moves On

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So far they have kept to their word and haven't filed charges against us. I have seen their van and all of the, they avoid me like the plague. I have a CPO who has strict orders. My family really wants me to make amends with the Steele family.
The Steele company is doing a good business and I have seen miss Steele and her sister in the courthouse. Their assistants were following them as they had orders barked at them. I would then see all of them eating together at the nearby restaurant. They were all laughing and talking about personal things. They were kind to their staff, they just have to be concise with their needs and when they need them.
I have no doubts I will end up in a case that involves one of his clients soon. Dad is hiring us CPO's female ones and male counterparts. The women will be able to go into any area that men aren't allowed to. I got my fifth consecutive win today. They were easy wins.
I was busy getting documents from the courts and licenses. My equipment seems to have been delayed in shipment. I have found out that a certain company and their head of IT jumped to the head of the line and bought the first productions of the equipment. Another strike for the Grey family. GEH pulled strings and us lowly new customers get pushed to the back of the lines. That makes me look at Barney with hostility. Him and the Grey family and now GEH, no wonder they are so paranoid well at least Mrs Grey. I am being kept busy until our equipment is delivered in the next three months. It was supposed to be delivered the week we opened the company.
We are being held up once again by the Grey family and their employees. Ginny is no longer fond of Barney because him, GEH, and Christian Grey we didn't get the equipment we needed. They took all the first production of the equipment. The Grey family strikes again. I have seen Carrick at the courthouse. We ignore one another and go our merry way.
I am to the boiling point, but I need to be patient and wait. I then got a call from a competitor of the company that allowed a jump to the front of the line. They offered me a superior product and a lesser cost and on speculation. I took them up on it immediately and ordered them and got them the next day.
Four days later everything is up and running very smoothly. They have written guarantees as well, the company told me that the other company stole part of the schematics and they had to find a different way to manufacture their equipment. It turns out the equipment was superior to the ones that GEH knocked out of. When I found out how long it was going to take I cancelled all my orders with them. I am glad I didn't pay a deposit. They lost a lot of other orders due to how they treated us on our orders. I bought more from the new company. Our extra space we made into apartments were good places to crash when we had to work over time. I normally had to. Barney actually tried to reach out to me, but my assistant was instructed to tell him that I was too busy for anyone who used his power to knock people out of line for equipment.
The odd message the assistant gave me when I contacted Steele Assistance Firm to speak with their I T person made we want to arrive in person. So I did, security asked me to leave. I told them whom I worked for and they told me to go back and work for them and to please don't come back.
My wedding company has been growing and I now have a separate floor like Annabelle and Raymond. Anastasia takes an apartment. We decided her apartment is the top floor. We use the rooftop as various photo opportunities and wedding photos. So we bring in someone to create the enclosure we need just in case. It started out as a simple project and turned into a major one. Now it is a whole new addition and can hold private events. Exclusive events. It turned out fantastic. Our business is increasing steadily. Annabelle and her computers are all setup and are far better than the original ones ordered. She has given the company a great review. We have bought more from them for home offices.
Our security has tightened up since things have changed and we don't give interviews. Kavanagh Media wanted to interview us as the most successful diverse new company in Seattle. Kate Kavanagh was persistent and I finally had to explain why we couldn't possibly give her any interview. She had to sign an NDA to hear the story. Her curiously got the better of her. I told her once we caught the man we would give her an exclusive interview.
After I signed an NDA I got a story that I really could open up some very nice options for writing more than a tiny column in my family's newspapers. I really wanted this interview, but I understand why they want to wait until the man is caught. Mr Steele is making sure he has intel on what the cops are doing about finding the man. I give him my information and ask if I can see about doing research and possibly help finding him. He agrees as long as I do my research on site with Annabelle watching over everything I do and find out. An extra set of eyes and ears never hurt anyone. So now I am using a computer belonging to the Steele family at their building and home. They invited me for dinner when we finally found Jack Hyde's name and the fact he has a history of doing things like this. Somehow he managed to intimidate his previous victims into not pressing charges against him. He went after family and friends. Raymond Steele is not someone who can be used in this manner.

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