Grace Grey Insane?

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Grace has been asked to take a leave of absence. The court ordered psychiatrist has told us that Grace needs help that she can't get without going into an inpatient treatment plan. A number of things at her job have caused them to look into her patients records. I had no idea until this happened. I knew she was acting strangely, but needing impatient care? They had me come to sign the paperwork to put her in the psychiatric hospital. The hospital immediately put her on leave. I called Raymond Steele and explained to him that Grace was going to be placed in a psychiatric hospital until she can possibly be treated.
I try to leave the doctors office and they block me from leaving. They have two big orderlies to keep me from leaving. Carrick walks in and he signs some papers the dr gives him. He tells me that I need to be treated as an impatient. I am not sure why I need impatient treatment. They are giving my husband my purse and taking off my watch and jewelry. They give me a gown to dress into. They force me to go with them to the psych ward until they can get a bed at a bed for me at a nicer hospital.
Dr Frederick Dearborn
I have no doubt that Grace Grey has a lot of problems and needs to be treated daily and she can't be free to cause more problems for herself, her patients and her family. I am surprised that she hasn't been diagnosed sooner than now. From what the hospital reported they should have reported her errors earlier. The errors were odd and were found and fixed by a few others.
I am not letting her off the hook, she was in need of help and my court actions were what drew the attention to the fact she needed the psychiatrist to examine her and that led to her being put in a psychiatric hospital. Carrick called Raymond and now he is talking to me about her issues. I have no doubt they hope I will rescind my claims, but they are wrong about that. Dad and I have agreed we won't do that. Mom and Annabelle agree that she should have gotten help back when she allowed her employees to do what they did to us.
The newspaper story amazing and I decided to stop the vandalism so I wouldn't get caught. Now I need to somehow run into to Carrick. Maybe make an appointment for legal advice. I get an appointment with him and see if I can take advantage of Grace's absence from their bed.
The appointment didn't go like I wanted it to. He is not the kind of man to give up on his wife getting well. So he declined my dinner invitations. He asked me to leave and not bother him again.
I can't believe that Elena really thought I believed the lies in high school. I broke up with her because I liked Grace better, not because of high school lies about her wanting my status and wealth. I told her the truth of the matter and told her that I'll or not I am a faithful husband. I knew when she invited me to supper that she thought I would go, or hoped I would go to her home for supper.
They won't allow me to leave and Carrick signed me into this place. I can't have visitors for a while they are still assessing me. They gave me clothing to wear while I am in here. I was in the psych ward at my own hospital and now they are transferring me to residential impatient psychiatric hospital. I can't go there I just can't. I broke free and escaped while they were attempting to hold two other patients down. The medication they gave me wasn't very strong and found my way out of there. I know the hiding places around the hospital and I have extra things in my locker and my office, so I grabbed what I needed and hid in one of the trucks leaving with laundry.
I get a call from the people who are supposed to be taking care of my wife. She escaped and no one can find her. My wife knows a lot of places she could hide, she works with homeless people and they know her. So they would hide her from us. We are searching for her, she apparently has been able to get things from her office and her locker. I ask how did it happen and are they going to find her and they don't give me a clear answer. I have to hire people to find her. I alerted the Steele family to her escape, she seems obsessed with the Steele family for some reason we have yet to figure out why.
Carrick has called me and told me that Grace escaped on the way to the psychiatric hospital and they don't know where she could be at. So now we have her to contend with. I tell Carla, Anastasia and Annabelle they need to be careful and have their guards with them. Ginnifer is working from the apartment upstairs now to assure her safety. The elevator has to have a key and a code to get to the apartments. She feels safer up there. We attempted to get her help. But she has therapy on line now.
Grace is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth and she has been obsessed with our daughters for some reason. I can't figure out why she has an obsession with our daughters and now all of us. I think she is insane, her behavior is absolutely ridiculous. Now we have to watch out for her again.
I can't believe Mrs Grey got loose and is now on the run. We again need protection.
I will hurt Grace if she comes near us again. She has no idea what memories she brought to my nightmares.

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