The Arrivals

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Babies do not arrive when you think they will. They have their own schedule. Mine decided to arrive in two different days. Starting from seven in the evening and finally the second boy arrived at seven in the morning the next day. Both were healthy although Daniel Elliott Lawrence waited twelve hours later to greet us. Abraham Christian Lawrence arrived the night before. It was like Mia willed the babies to arrive so she could go along with her family on the trip. I gave in of course because we have everything in place and the right management in place to run both places.
My sons obeyed me and arrived early and healthy. I call and get myself in on the trip. Of course everyone came to see Daniel and Abraham. Both boys look like Harvey. His parents arrive and are happy they are grandparents. His dad is happy we named Abraham after him. It  is amazing that everyone was here after the births. Both my brothers are happy they have nephews and their middle names are their first names.
The trip begins and we fly to Florida and arrive at the science camp. Both sets of triplets and Ava actually have a lot of fun. While us couples enjoy things together. Anastasia and Christian are thrown together a lot. I think they are finally becoming closer and have actually danced during dinner. The week is over and deep sea fishing is on the agenda. Harvey tried to stay with me, but I sent him with the guys. It is a five day trip and us women are all enjoying our time together. My in laws joined us as well Ann and Abraham flew down in their jet and rented a home for all of us. We have finally gotten better acquainted. They wanted to get to know the in laws better. Abraham joined the males on the deep sea fishing trip. My boys were well cared for and photos were taken daily. Anastasia hired an excellent photographer for the trip. She  caught everything at science camp and some of our time together then she went out on the fishing trip. That was a bad move because she and Christian hit it off. Sheila Randall definitely hit it off with him, but the boys were mad because she was taking up all their time with him. They all refused to go on the boat if she was coming out again.
I hadn't noticed that I was paying more attention to Sheila until the triplets told me if she was coming again they weren't. I asked why and they told me point blank that she was asking too much about my company and what I owned and about my jets and helicopters. Basically she was a good digger who saw her chance to get to know him on the boat and rather than him spending time with them he was busy being flattered by someone who was supposedly there to take photos of the whole trip. I looked at her photos and she barely took any of the boys and the rest of the family. Only of me. I asked her to get more of the rest of the family or her employer would be not only firing her, but would make sure to black list her from doing any other events.
When I saw the photos I was mad. It was obvious Sheila was busy with Christian and getting paid for it. Finally another memory card had photos of the rest of the group. But I fired her, because it was very obvious she failed to do the job she was asked to do. I sent a make photographer the next time to catch the whole day. Sadly we missed out on so much and I blamed Sheila for it due to her hormones. Christian had to be told by the triplets that the trip was for them and not for him to hookup with their mother's employee. In a moment he realized he screwed up in more than one way and he did. The dance we shared that night was to apologize to me. It failed. His sons were hurt by what he did that day and he can't take it back. I walked off and consoled my boys and explained their father has his priorities in the wrong place.
I heard what happened on the boat and firing the girl was the right thing to do. Anastasia was not be a jealous person, she was the girls employer and the boys mother and Sheila was not being paid to entertain Christian and Christian was being a bad parent. Anything could have happened to his sons while he was being entertained by Sheila and he was bonding with his sons. Carrick and Ray were both angry.
I had a long talk with Christian about his behavior on the boat and I had words with Sheila as well. He failed to see how hurt his boys were that he spent most of the day with the flirty photographer. They were very upset and wouldn't speak to him by the time we left.
Christian just didn't get it, this trip was for him and the boys to bond, but Sheila took all of his attention away from them. So the rest of us had to fill his shoes sadly. Elliott even tried to wedge Sheila away from Christian so he could speak to him, but they both glared at him. Finally the triplets reminded Christian and Sheila she wasn't doing what their mother paid her to do, but she was actually turning this job into a date with their father and that made them hate her and him. Him for falling into her trap. They asked if she even got any photos or videos of anyone but their father and herself. They took a lot of photos of her and him together.
I spoke to Sheila and told her she was not going to be back after what she did and Anastasia would be firing her and black listing her saying she ignored what her job was to flirt with one of the men rather than getting photos of the family and the trip. She sat her ass down and took photos of her and the man she had her eyes on. She took photos of him and her loved up together and none of the boys until the second memory card. She paid her for what she did and fired her in front of Christian and the boys. I don't blame her. She told Christian and Sheila to have at it and to keep it away from her boys. The triplets were happy to see her gone. They gave him a choice to go with her or go back to the boat in the morning. It was awful seeing how Christian ignored his boys for that good digger.

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