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I made every effort to make things up to my sons after that day. I have put all my efforts into being a better father to them. After all Anastasia has made it clear to me that they won't forget about being ignored by me. There will be no exceptions for this in the future. Anastasia made it very clear that I was wrong and my priorities were in the wrong place. She pointed out that once a father always a father as it is once a mother always a mother. You can be a good parent or bad one. Nothing should distract you from your duties as a loving parent. Including work, girlfriends or others. That is why she doesn't date a lot. If it had been her on that boat and the photographer was a man hitting on her she would have put an end to it. After all they were there doing a job and wasn't doing it. They also placed the boys in jeopardy by taking up all the attention the boys needed. She might have danced with me, but it was very clear she was angry. She reminded me of our agreement and I broke it. I have to make this right for my boys.
I have tried to smooth things over for Anastasia and her boys, but what's don is done. We arrive home, the photographer was sent home. I can't know if her and Christian are going to date or not, but it would be best if they didn't. She was definitely coming on to Christian and preventing him from being with his boys.
I told Christian any woman the kept you from your job as a father is not worth his time. His boys could have easily been hurt on that boat. Carrick said all of them thought Christian was watching the boys and found out he was being distracted by the photographer. They had the boys put an end to it. They all watched out for the boys, except their own father. Anastasia was very angry, so angry she could barely talk to anyone. After all small children need monitored all the time, but on the open seas they need grownups almost attached to them. We all see her point of view on this situation. Christian has finally reached the same conclusion on this and has been a better father. All of us want the best for them and them to maybe find their soulmates, but one who loves the boys and ensures they are included or the priority when they are around them. Sheila was more about getting Christian.
It has been six months and Christian has been forgiven and he makes his time with the boys safe and fun. They have a special boys night with all the guys in the family together.
We have adopted Aubrey and a baby boy we named Lewis. Ginny is thrilled to be a mother. She has developed some things for Aubrey to get her up to par for school. We have ran a test on it and it worked very well, so we have gotten a patent. GEH attorneys did our adoptions and the patents for us. One of the many perks for working with and for them.
Anastasia has made sure my schedule is flexible so I can come and go as needed and childcare is always provided at both buildings along with an apartment to sleep in if needed. The apartments are like home away from home type of things. I might not get the same money and benefits, but they have been good employers from day one.
I have offered a few incentives to Ginny to ensure we are able to keep her on staff. In the next year we are opening a third site and we have decided to give her the top four floors for research and development of any items she wants to create. Security will need to be very tight on that building so we will need to find staff for it right away. Elliott has found us a building that will be able to be remodeled into exactly what is needed. Mia is going to put a mini version of her restaurant and catering in the building on the first floor. Our offices will be on the next four floors three apartments above our floor and Ginny gets the top four floors and the roof. All of us figured we are getting off cheaply since she is always updating and upgrading our systems. Barney and her always keep up on the latest and greatest of new equipment.
I have found what I think is a perfect guy for Anastasia and I call her to invite her to dinner. She tells me she can't come because she has plans of her own.
Kate is at it again and I am way to busy with work and the boys. Their activities are keeping me hopping. I don't see Christian being able to take them to these and not be barraged with single mothers hitting on him and fathers trying to get business tips. He needs to go to these things soon though. They are wanting him to come and I would love it if he did so I can keep the wolves from thinking I am fair game. My bodyguards have had to handle a few of both men and women. It hard to tell a woman that her husband is hitting on you and not the other way around. I have made sure my bodyguards are putting buffers between these people. It is sad that people try to befriend me because my sons father. I absolutely hate it. One tried to blackmail me, that failed completely and I made sure to interact very carefully with other parents. Some just think I am amazing raising triplets and doing everything I do. Had one want me to come speak before a woman's support conference. I had never heard of it so I declined. Then she tried for another meeting. Anyone that determined to break me away from others makes me suspicious of them. I had a background check run in her and she had no children or relatives involved in the activities. The woman's conference wasn't real. I alerted Christian's security and gave them a heads up. A week later a kidnap attempt was made, luckily I was ready and shot the woman. Of course that made the news.

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