Chapter 1. Prolouge

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"Denki, are you ok?" Mina asked through the door. "Did you look yet?" She heard a soft sob come from inside the washroom, muffled by the door. She opened it slowly, peaking inside.

Kaminari sat on the floor, his back against the wall and his knees pulled into his chest. His arms were crossed over his knees and his head resting against them. In his left hand, he held a white stick, his hand covering the answer. His body shook as another sob escaped.

"Denki?" Mina asked quietly as she knelt beside him. Her hand hovered over Kaminari's shoulder as she tried to figure out what to do.

"I can't look, Mina," Denki whispered, his voice cracking. He looked up at his friend with tear-filled eyes and it broke her heart. "I-I just can't, what if it's positive?" She had never seen Kaminari so broken before. The blond was usually so upbeat and positive all the time, she had never seen him this broken, this lost.

"What if it's not?" She asked in hopes of helping the situation. Mina rubbed small circles on his back, trying to comfort him the best she could. "It's better to know now isn't it?" her hand continued to rub small circles on his back as she tried to smile reassuringly at Kaminari. Ashido was doing her best but sometimes her best just wasn't enough.

The omega looked back at his closed fist. His eyes burned holes into his hand in anticipation. He needed to know, but he couldn't bring himself to look.

"We can look together," Mina told him, putting her hand lightly over Denki's slightly shaking one. "I'll be here no matter what the answer is, I'm your friend."

Kaminari nodded his head but it took him a moment to fully process the information. "On three..." he started.

"One," Mina said when Kaminari didn't start the count.

"Two..." his hand shook and he closed his eyes silently praying he would wake up and not have to worry about this.

"Three," Mina said, lightly pulling at Kaminari's hand for him to open it and show the answer.

A blue little plus.

Denki choked back a small sob and Mina pulled him into a hug. "It's ok," she whispered to him. "It's going to be ok."

"M-Mina, what am I going to do?" Kaminari asked her, still crying into her shoulder. He tried to stop his shaking but he couldn't. "I-I don't know what to do."

Mina continued to rub his back. "It's ok," she said. "You'll figure it out, and I'm sure Shinso will be with you every step of the way."

Kaminari's head perked up at the mention of his boyfriend, but it wasn't a good perk up, Denki was scared, terrified even. "Oh my god Toshi," he muttered under his breath. "What's he going to think? I-I mean we're not even third years yet, we haven't graduated or-or gotten married, we haven't even marked each other yet, what if-"

"No, stop, no what if's," Mina said, whipping away a tear and stopping him from spiralling into an anxiety attack. "Shinso's a good guy, he's going to understand. And you don't have to tell him right away, wait as long as you need, figure things out first."

Kaminari took in a few breaths trying to steady his breathing. His head was spinning, he didn't want to lose Shinso, he was the best thing to ever happen to the omega, he couldn't lose him. "Right- right, I should just calm down first."

"Good," Ashido said, seeing her friend calm down. She ran her hand along his back some more. "Do you know if you're going to keep it?" Mina asked after a short moment of silence.

Kaminari lent his head against the wall taking in a deep breath to stop himself from thinking too far into it. "I-" he started. "I don't know, I mean I don't want to put them up for adoption, I know how bad the system is, but I can't imagine... just not having them, how can I be a hero if I did that to my kid? I don't even think I'm ready for this, I mean this is a human being." His hand rested against his stomach, still trying to keep himself calm. "This is my kid..." he muttered. "Everything in me..." his words trailed off.

"Is telling you to keep the baby." Kaminari nodded and Mina gave him a sympathetic smile. "That's ok," she said. "You don't need to know yet, you can talk about it with Shinso when you tell him."

Kaminari stared at the ground, how would he tell Hitoshi? "Can you... give me a minute alone?" Kaminari asked. "I just need some time to think."

Mina nodded sadly. "Yeah, of course," she said, getting up off the bathroom floor and dusting off her pants. "I'll just be in your room if you need anything."

"Ok," Kaminari said with a small nod. "And Mina?" He asked as she was about to leave the bathroom.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Thank you," Kaminari told her. "Thank you for not freaking out and being here for me."

She smiled at him again. "Of course Denki, I'll always be here for you, no matter what. That's what best friends are for, after all."

(Alright, I have the first 20 chapters already written since this was a story I wrote a long time ago, but I'm going to post them once or twice a week. Wednesday's and Fridays I think, but if that changes I will notify you, readers. Thanks for reading)

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