Chapter 20. Ultrasound and Names

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The final bell rang and a rush of relief ran through the student body. It was summer vacation, finally.

That is... almost the full student body.

Kaminari was anxious because even though he knew this was proper procedure, he was going to have to go to the hospital to get an ultrasound after school. It would be his first proper ultrasound, even though he was almost 5 months in already.

They would have done it the next day, but it was Kaminari's birthday then and Shinso had something planned that needed the full day. What that was was a mystery to Denki.

"Denks, you don't need to be anxious," Shinso whispered to him, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend as the rest of their class left the room. Shinso's hand rubbed up and down Kaminari's baby bump. It was definitely visible now, though, he still tried to wear bigger clothes to keep the attention away from him around the school.

Kaminari sighed and lent back into Hitoshi, his hands resting against the alphas. "I know," he muttered. "But I haven't had an ultrasound since the whole villain attack thing, and I was asleep during that. I didn't get to see any of it so I don't know how it works or what they do or how it happens or if the babies are ok or-"

"Denks," Shinso stopped him from his rambling, placing a hand on his shoulder. "They're fine, you don't need to worry."

Kaminari looked up at Shinso. "And what if they're not? What if- what if-"

"Then we cross that bridge when we get there."

Denki nodded slowly before freezing and looking up at Hitoshi. "You felt that?" He asked the alpha. He nodded. "One of them is kicking!" Kaminari lit up, his worries melting away. He moved his hands off Shinso's so they were placed above or below the alpha's as he looked down at his belly. "Are you going to do it again?" He asked quietly.

Shinso bit his lip because really why did his boyfriend have to be so fucking adorable? It wasn't fair! He didn't deserve this! He wasn't complaining at all, but he didn't feel like he deserved him. That only made him love the omega more. Hitoshi let his chin rest on Kaminari's shoulder as he smiled softly. Denki got distracted way too easily.

There was another kick against Denki's stomach and now one of Kaminari's hands moved to his mouth, stifling what sounded like a small sob to Shinso.

Shinso's brows knitted together and he looked at Denki, worried. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked, seeing a tear slip down the omega's cheek.

"I- I don't know, I- I'm just emotional," Denki said as tears fell down his cheek making him hiccup and try to stop small sobs. "They'll- they'll be here so soon."

Shinso rubbed his stomach with one and brought the other to Kaminari's cheek to wipe away his tears. He kissed Denki's cheek and then neck, whispering soft nothings to get Kaminari to calm down.

"We should head to the hospital for your ultrasound," Shinso whispered, "if we don't leave soon we'll be late." They would have preferred to do it at school, but Recovery Girl didn't have to proper equipment for that.

Denki nodded, wiping his face with the back of his hand. "R-right," he said, taking in a shaky breath.

The ride to the hospital was quiet, consisting of Denki rubbing his stomach softly and humming along to the radio while Hitoshi drove and snuck a few glances at his adorable boyfriend.

"If you could sit here for me," the doctor assigned to Kaminari told him with a small smile. "I just have a few things to set up and then we can start."

Denki nodded as Shinso helped him into the chair. "Toshi I don't need help," he whispered.

"I know," Hitoshi told him, averting his eyes. "I just want to feel helpful," he admitted in a soft mutter.

Kaminari rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. "You're plenty helpful Tosh." He chuckled softly while Hitoshi sat in one of the chairs beside Denki, holding his hand for some sort of emotional support.

"Ok, I'll walk you through what I'm doing and if you have any questions feel free to ask, that's what I'm here for after all." Denki and Shinso nodded in understanding. "Ok, can you lift your shirt for me?" He asked.

Denki did as he was told.

"This will be just a little cold, but it will warm up quickly," the doctor told him, squirting some jell ok Kaminari's stomach. "This is to help the camera move easier."

Kaminari sucked in a sharp breath because of the cold but soon nodded and relaxed.

The doctor put the scope to Denki's belly and began moving it around to find the babies. "Alright, I'm just looking for the babies and..." he turned the screen to the young couple. "Here they are." The doctor pointed to one blob on the screen. "Here's baby one," he moved the scope a little more. "And here's baby two."

Kaminari lifted a hand to his mouth, covering his smile and soft sob-like-laugh as he watched the screen. Shinso squeezed Denki's hand in his, smiling softly as he looked at the screen. It was... kind of amazing. The feeling indescribable. It was just so amazing that something so small and vulnerable and innocent had been created by them and was growing in Denki.

They could hear their heartbeats through the monitor and it was almost therapeutic. "They are both very healthy and developing well. Strong heartbeats." The doctor moved the scope a little more before jotting something down on his clipboard. "If you would like, I can tell you two their sex, unless you would like it to be a surprise."

Shinso and Denki shared a look. They had yet to decide if they wanted to know. "What do you want?" Hitoshi asked.

"I can always write it down and put it in an envelope for you to open later," the doctor told them when Kaminari was taking too long to answer.

"I want to know," Denki told them, "but not if Hitoshi wants it to be a surprise." He was almost jittering with excitement.

"I want to know two," Hitoshi told him.

The doctor nodded. "Baby number one here is a girl," he pointed to the screen. "And baby number two is a boy, congratulations."

Denki was grinning ear to ear. "I can't believe this," he laughed. "We're having a baby girl and boy."

Hitoshi smiled and kissed him quietly. "Yeah, we are," he whispered.

The doctor removed the scope and handed Denki a towel to wipe himself off. "If you have any questions or concerns I'm here, this is my number and other contact info," he explained, handing Kaminari a paper as he stood from the chair, holding Shinso's hand. "And before you go I just want to remind you that you should be resting lots, eating healthy and try not to lift anything too heavy."

Denki nodded. "Don't worry, Hitoshi wouldn't let me out of the dorm if I didn't take care of myself," he laughed.

Shinso shrugged, "he's not wrong."

The doctor nodded with a small chuckle. "Well, have a good day and I hope everything stays on track."

"Thank you," Kaminari told him with a wave as they left.

The omega smiled to himself as they headed out to the car. "We're having a baby girl and boy," he whispered.

Hitoshi couldn't help but smile as well. "Yeah," he said, matching Kaminari's volume, "we are."

"Does that mean we're going with Nari and Ayumu for names?" He asked. They had talked about it, quite a lot actually, and those had been their favourites from the list.

Nari meant thunder and had been chosen by Denki partly as a pun (she'd be thunder and he'd be lightning) but also because it was a cute name that he really loved.

Ayumu meant dream or vision and was chosen by Hitoshi. He couldn't explain it but the name just sort of made sense. That was what their son would be named.

In the end, both Kaminari and Shinso liked both names so they made it to the top of the list.

"Nari and Ayumu, pretty good name choices if I do say so myself," Hitoshi chuckled.

"I agree."

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