Chapter 3. Stomach Bug

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Kaminari's so-called stomach bug didn't go away. He constantly felt queazy and nauseated, not to mention the sudden drowsy spells he would be put under, though those were easier to hide.

All his friends were worried, Shinso most of all. He had tried getting him to go to Recovery Girl, but Denki refused, only making Shinso suspicious and confused.

"I can still go to school Hitoshi, it's not that bad!" Kaminari exclaimed, grabbing his school bag from the chair in his room and swinging it over his shoulder.

"You just threw up! You should not be going to school sick like this," Shinso argued, standing in the way of the omega as he tried to leave the room. Hitoshi wasn't usually one to act like this but he was worried, Kaminari needed to rest and get over this sickness before going back to school. "This has been going on for a week, you are not ok."

"Yes, I am, now let me pass," Kaminari demanded, trying to leave their room. If the reason for his sickness was anything different Kaminari would have listened and crawled into bed all day, but he wasn't sick, he was just growing another human inside him.

"Go lay down, you shouldn't be up, you are clearly sick!"

"I am not sick!" Kaminari exclaimed again, raising his voice enough that he would be surprised if the others on their floor couldn't hear him. "I don't want to fucking hear this from you right now, I'm fine." His hands waved in the air as if to try and depict something and convince Shinso he was ok but in reality, it just looked like he was flailing his arms.

Shinso was very annoyed. He knew that the omega was stubborn, he knew that convincing him to stay was going to be hard, but he was not going to let his boyfriend go to school sick if he could help it. "Then at least get a check-up from Recovery Girl, if not for you then for me." Shinso wasn't one to ask for much in their relationship so when he pulled the "for me" card it was very hard for Kaminari to stand his ground. He couldn't let Recovery Girl give him a check-up, she would probably recognize the signs and the last thing Denki needed was for the staff at UA to know about this. The last thing he needed was for more people to know before his boyfriend.

"No, I'm not sick, I'm-" he almost told Shinso right then and there, the thought pacing his mind and screaming to be told, but he held off. "I'm not sick," Kaminari said quietly, finally pushing past Shinso and keeping his eyes trained on the ground so the alpha wouldn't see he was almost in tears. "I don't want to talk to you right now, I'm going to class." He honestly shocked himself with how eager he was to go to class, usually, he would take any opportunity to skip that he could. Part of him knew that if he was going through with the birth then he was going to be missing plenty of class, later on. If he wanted even a fraction of a chance of keeping up with his classmates he couldn't miss any right now.

"Denki," Shinso called after the omega. He let out an annoyed huff as Kaminari continued to the common room. He walked in after his boyfriend and found the omega's friends talking. "Will one of you please tell Denki he should stay in the dorms today? He's sick." Shinso said, looking them all in the eye hoping at least one of them would be on his side.

"I told you, I'm fine!" Kaminari exclaimed yet again, throwing his hands in the air. His eyes were pricked with tears from the emotions he was feeling but he refused to cry.

"You are not 'fine' you just threw up, TWICE," Shinso argued back. Denki getting yelled at by his boyfriend didn't help him not cry.

Their friends shared a look. It was extremely rare to see the two fighting, the only things they ever seem to fight about are little things like what movie to watch and even then it's only playful banter. This was new, Kaminari actually seemed mad.

"Hey, how about..." Mina started, resting her hands on Kaminari's shoulders, subconsciously holding him back from doing anything stupid. "We all head to class and just gauge how Kami is through the day, yeah?"

Kaminari just crossed his arms over his chest and huffed turning his head to the side. Shinso looked like he was going to argue but nothing but a small "fine" came out.

"Good," Mina said with a sigh. "Then let's go, don't want Mr. Aizawa giving us more homework for being late."

The group agreed, getting up and heading for the doors to leave the common room. "Thanks, Mina," Kaminari said quietly, falling to the back of the group.

"Any time, so what was that all about?" she asked, looking at him worriedly. "You guys don't fight."

"Hitoshi wants me to stay in the dorms today because I'm 'sick'" Kaminari told her. "Morning sickness," he muttered under his breath so the others wouldn't hear.

"Ohh, I see," she said. "And you haven't told him yet?"

"Why else do you think he thinks I'm sick? I don't know how to tell him, I mean this is a huge thing. I don't want- I don't want to do this without him and I'm scared that if I tell him-" a stray tear slipping but he wiped it away before any others could follow suit.

"No, stop, no if's remember?" Mina said, holding a hand up. "You don't need to worry about the 'if's' he loves you." She pushed his shoulder lightly and Denki huffed out a laugh.

"Yeah. ok," Kaminari said with a sigh. He knew she was right, Shinso wouldn't leave him, not because of this, he's not that type of alpha, but that didn't make him feel any better.

"Don't just 'yeah ok' me, you know I'm right," Mina chuckled, playfully bumping shoulders with her friend.

They reached class and took their seats. Shinso didn't say a word as he went to his seat and it made Kaminari wonder if he was actually mad at him after this morning. It's not like it was a big fight, but for them, it was pretty bad, they don't fight, that's just not how they were. They talked things out before anything got bad.

Kaminari couldn't get his mind off that morning. He had a bad feeling in his gut and his head kept saying Shinso was mad at him now. The hormones didn't help.

He snuck glances at his boyfriend during class to try and read his expression but he seemed less readable than usual. This only made him believe his fears and think Shinso was truly mad at the omega.

When lunch came around Shinso was the last to leave his desk so Kaminari took this as his opportunity to apologize for yelling earlier.

"I'll catch up with you guys later, I need to talk with Toshi," Kaminari said, letting his friends leave for lunch. Denki took in a deep breath, keeping his emotions in check as he pulled up a chair to Shinso's desk where he was stacking some of his papers. "Hey," he greeted softly.

"Hey," Shinso responded, glancing up for a second before putting his papers in his binder.

"I'm sorry about this morning," Kaminari muttered. "I didn't mean to get mad, it just felt like you were trying to control me, and I get you were just worried about me, I'm sorry, don't be mad at me, please."

Shinso looked back up at him. He almost seemed shocked, but sometimes it was hard to tell. "I'm not mad at you," he said.

"Then why haven't you talked to me since we left the common room?"

"You told me you didn't want to talk, and you looked like you needed space," Shinso told him. "I didn't want to make you madder so I backed off. You know how you feel and I need to trust that you know what you can handle."

Kaminari smiled a little. "So you're not mad."

"No, not at all."

"Oh thank god, I don't know what I would do if you were mad at me," Kaminari said, taking Shinso's hands and leaning over his desk. "I'd be a mess."

Shinso chuckled a little, brushing a strand of hair out of Denki's face. "You are a mess," he said. Kaminari gave him an offended look but there was still a smile on his lips. "A very beautiful one." He kissed Kaminari's forehead and the omega blushed a deep shade of red. "Come on, let's get lunch."

Shinso pulled Kaminari up out of his seat and down the hall.

"Is your stomach still bad from this morning?" Shinso asked as they approached the cafeteria. "You think it's contagious?"

Kaminari suppressed a laugh. "Definitely not contagious," he muttered. "I think it may take a bit to get over," he said looking up at Shinso. "But you don't have to worry, I'm ok enough to attend school." The alpha had no clue why his boyfriend was smiling, he was sick, or so he thought.

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