Chapter 22. I'm Overreacting

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The ring was rather simple. A thin band of gold with the words 'I promise' engraved. But that didn't take away from how much Kaminari loved it.

Denki wore it on a chain around his neck for a few reasons.

1) He didn't want to somehow lose it if it fell off his hand and he didn't notice.
2) He would have to take it off anyway when he got back to training and letter on started hero work.
3) (He wouldn't admit this out loud because it was too sappy) It would be kept closer to his heart.

It also would stop his classmates from thinking it was an engagement ring. It wasn't an engagement ring, it was a promise ring, two very different things. Sure one of the promises Shinso had made with the ring was that he would marry Denki when they were older and had the money and the time, but that's different.

That's different, right?

"Kami, you know I love you, but I don't see why you're freaking out about this," Mina told him over the phone one day. She had called to chat and ask how the babies were doing but it had turned into Denki ranting about how he didn't know if there was a difference between rings. He wouldn't be upset if it were an engagement ring, he loved Hitoshi and would marry him on the spot, but he needed some form of heads up, some time to mentally prepare himself. Deep down he knew he was overreacting but he could blame it on the pregnancy. Too many hormones.

If Hitoshi wasn't out on his work-study then Kaminari probably would have brought this to his boyfriend, but work studies extended into the summer and Hitoshi had already taken a few days off for various things (mostly baby-related) and had to go in. So Denki was laying in bed, covered in several blankets and Hitoshi's sweaters, trying not to let his brain jump to too many conclusions. "I don't even know why I'm freaking out! I cried yesterday when I dropped my toast! I don't even like toast!" Denki could usually rationalize his emotions rather well and figure out what was worth freaking out over but lately, he believes the pregnancy had been inhibiting that ability.

"You cried over toast?" Mina asked, a shuffling sound coming through the phone.

"It's been like the only thing I can keep down for a week, yes I cried when I dropped it." Kaminari's cravings had been handing his ass to him. One week it was toast and the next it was pasta, but it had to be made with red sauce, he couldn't keep it down without tomato sauce. It would be the only thing he could eat without throwing up. "But back to the problem at hand," Kaminari said, "what should I do? You're my voice of reason."

"I'm your voice of reason?" Mina asked. "Boy if I'm your voice of reason then you are royally fucked up the ass."

"Mina, be serious."

"Right, you've already been fucked up the ass, you wouldn't be pregnant if you hadn't."

Kaminari groaned, hiding his face in Shinso's sweater even though it would do nothing. "Oh my god, Mina."

"Alright, alright, I'll stop, sorry," Mina laughed. She didn't seem sorry at all. "What were you freaking out about again?" She asked.

Denki muttered into the phone, "the ring."

"Right, the ring," she was smiling, Denki could hear it in her voice. "That boy is head over heels for you and even if he did mean it as an engagement ring he's probably not going to say it. You guys have a lot going on, he's going to wait till you're both ready for that step. As he said, he wants you to know he's always there for you."

"He could have just told me that though," Kaminari muttered.

Mina sighed. "He knows you better than anyone, you're someone who needs physical reminders, not just words." She wasn't wrong. Kaminari overthinks a lot and words were easy to forget or get swept to the back of his mind the ring wouldn't. "Talk to him about it, he'd gladly clear it up for you Kami."

Kaminari looked up at the ceiling, why did Mina have to be so right all the time. "Ok, I'll talk with him when he gets home."

"Is Shinso still at his work-study?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, he'll be gone for a few more hours."

"Wanna hang out till he's back? Watch a few movies, play games, eat junk food?" She asked. "Get your mind off things? We can invite the rest of the squad if they're not at their work studies too."

Denki smiled and sat up in bed. "I don't know about the junk food considering the only things I can keep down right now are toast and plain rice, but we can hang out," Kaminari told her. "Should probably go to your house though, don't know how much Mic and Aizawa want their students coming over without warning."

"Sometimes I forget that you're staying at Mic and Mr. Aizawa's house," Mina laughed. "But yeah, I agree, it's weird being in my teacher's house, I'll get things ready."

"I just need to get changed and call Hitoshi to let him know I'm going to your house then I'll be over."

Mina hummed, "alright, see you soon, be safe."

"Always am," Denki told her, hanging up the phone and dialling his boyfriend. He wasn't surprised when it went to voicemail, he was supposed to keep it off when he was doing his work-study. Hitoshi checked all his messages when he was aloud though.

"Hey babe, just calling to tell you I'm heading over to Mina's, feel free to join when you're done work. Love you."

Kaminari changed into a different sweater and sweat pants before finding the keys to the house. He had been home alone, Hizashi and Shota being out doing hero work and Eri off at a friend's house.

He locked the house and headed off to Mina's. He didn't have anything to worry about.

(Bit of a filler, sorry)

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