Chapter 27. No Looking Back

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The day went by slowly. After Denki got rest they allowed their family and friends to come visit but under one rule: no touching the babies.

Denki was very protective of his kids and the only other person he would let hold them was Hitoshi. Doctors could too if they had to but that was only if they had to. After getting the babies cleaned and weighed there was nothing else for the doctors or nurses to do unless there was a complication, but there weren't any complications.

Hitoshi and Denki's parents had just left and now their friends were coming to visit and see the twins.

Denki was sat up in bed, Hitoshi sitting beside him. Each of them held one of the babies as they slept bundled up in soft blankets.

Mina was the first through the door, immediately coming up on Denki's side of the bed as their friends followed her in. "Oh my god their so adorable," she cooed.

Denki chuckled softly as his friends settled in around the room. Mina to his left, trying desperately to hold herself back from squeezing those chubby little cheeks, Kiri and Sero on the other side of the bed next to Hitoshi while Bakugo stayed at the door, leaning against the frame.

"They are adorable," Kirishima agreed. "How are you feeling by the way?" He now asked Denki, sitting in one of the chairs beside the bed.

The omega shifted in bed with a shrug. "Weird, I'm not really in pain but everything aches, kinda like cramps? And I'm exhausted but I can't sleep after already taking a nap." His body was resetting to how it was before the pregnancy so there were a lot of weird feelings. "And... this is gonna sound weird, but I feel empty."

"Makes sense," Mina nodded, "you did have two babies in your stomach for months." She sat at the edge of the bed and smiled at Nari as she shifted in Denki's arms, yawning but not opening her eyes. Denki smiled down at his daughter as well, using one hand to gently push some of the blankets out of her face.

"So who's who?" Sero asked, also sitting at the end of the bed by Hitoshi's feet.

"I have Ayumu and Denks has Nari," Hitoshi told them.

That warranted another coo from Mina as she made kissing noises and told Nari that she had a beautiful name. She then turned to Bakugo who was standing in the doorway, watching silently and keeping his distance. "Bakugo you should come see the babies they're so cute!"

Bakugo's arms crossed over his chest and he didn't move, "I'm fine here."

"Come on babe, you gotta see the babies," Kirishima told him.

"I read that omegas don't like having a bunch of alphas near them after birth," he muttered, averting his eyes, "so I'm staying here."

"Did you actually do research?" Sero asked and the other alpha just grunted.

He wasn't wrong, omegas didn't tend to like alphas near them and their babies right after birth. "It's kind of you to do that but it's fine Bakugo, I know you guys, you're my family, I'd trust you all with my life a million times over, so it's fine."

Bakugo clicked his tongue, "I'm not good with kids," he muttered now, excuse after excuse.

"They're asleep and too young to process anything, you'll be fine Bakugo."

He clicked his tongue again and went over to the bed. "They look like potatoes," he stated blandly.

Mina slapped him in the arm, glaring at him, "don't say that! They do not look like potatoes."

"Kind of do," Bakugo shrugged.

Denki laughed softly. They did kind of look like potatoes, most babies did. But still, they were so beautiful and Denki loved them with all his heart. He made them. He and the man he loved made them and they were so beautiful.

Ayumu began to stir, his arm coming out from under the blanket and doing a weak baby flail. Mina cooed again, grinning ear to ear. "Please, please, please tell me I can be their cool aunt Mina."

"If she gets to be their aunt I can be their uncle right?" Kirishima asked, "I'd be a great uncle."

"Alright, alright," Denki laughed, "slow down, you can be their aunts and uncles, you're our closest friends after all."

"You can count me out," Bakugo muttered, leaning against the wall so he was further away.

"You totally want to be their uncle," Sero teased. "Or are you afraid they're going to like one of us better?"

Bakugo clicked his tongue, "I'm gonna be the best fucking uncle ever seen! Kids adore me!"

"Well, that's changed fast," Hitoshi muttered, chuckling softly.

"I thought you literally just said you weren't good with kids," Kirishima laughed, crossing his arms. "Just admit it Kats, you like kids and wanna cuddle and play with them."

"Kid's are like cats, they attach their grimy little hands to whoever doesn't pay attention to them," Bakugo grumbled.

Denki shushed Nari as she began to stir as well, whining softly. "You'll all be great with kids," he said, brushing his fingers against Nari's cheek, "I can tell."

"Kami knows all! He just had two kids! He knows these things!" Mina exclaimed as if giving birth suddenly made him the know it all of kids.

"I don't think that's how it works," Hitoshi said, chuckling softly. "But Bakugo seems like a try-hard when it comes to everything so he'd be good with kids."

"I just like being good at things."

"And by things you mean everything," Kirishima mused.

"Fuck off."

Denki covered Nari's ears as if she was old enough to know what that word meant. "Hey watch it, there are kids in the room now," he laughed.

Bakugo grumbled to himself and the others laughed along.

It was nice.

Their family had grown and they would not take it any other way.

Every step was taken for a reason and they would never look back wishing they had done something different.

They looked forward, eager to know what would come next in their story.

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