Chapter 14. Movie Hang Out

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Kaminari and Shinso shared a look. If their friends came in they would definitely suspect something. Kaminari had built a nest and that could only mean a few things. He was depressed, in heat, or pregnant. And since he sure as hell wasn't in heat they would automatically assume he was depressed. This was going to be fun.

Shinso gave him a quick kiss on his forehead before getting out of bed and going to see who was at the door. As suspected it was the Bakusquad. They all had snacks and a variety of other things in their hands.

"We know Denki needs to be resting, but we wanted to do something to help so we got snacks and movies!" Kirishima said when Shinso gave them a slightly confused look.

"He looked really out of it when he left Recovery Girl's office so we wanted to cheer him up," Sero added. One of his hands was bandaged but he was still able to use it so Recovery Girl must have been able to heal most, if not all, of it.

"That's sweet of you guys, but-"

"Toshi, why aren't you letting them in?" Denki asked, coming up behind the alpha and wrapping his arms around the taller teen's waist. "You can't just leave them in the door."

Shinso glanced back at Kaminari, the blond gave a subtle nod and a small smile.

"Uhh ok, yeah, you guys can come in."

Hitoshi didn't know what happened to the nest that was on their bed, but it had disappeared. Kaminari must have been some sort of magician to get rid of all the blankets and clothes so fast.

Their friends set their snacks down on the small table that sat against the wall, only about a foot and a half off the ground and under their tv. "We gotta watch this one first," Kirishima said, holding up one of the Star Wars movies he had been raving about the other day.

"What? No dude, we're watching Spider-Man!" Sero exclaimed, holding up the movie he brought. The two boys bickered while Kaminari had his boyfriend sit on the bed so he could sit in his lap, taking the alpha's arms and wrapping them around himself.

"How about we just watch the movie I brought," Mina said, rolling her eyes. "Or better yet let Denki pick, he is the one still recovering after all."

"Technically, Recovery Girl finished treating me today," Kaminari said, pressing his back a little further into Shinso.

"Just pick a damn movie," Bakugo grumbled, pulling Kirishima down into the bean bag chair that sat in the corner of the room. "I don't have all day."

Mina sighed. "Denki, Spider-Man, Star Wars, or Shazam?"

Any other day, sure, Kaminari would love to watch action movies with his friends, but today? He felt so drained from his visit with Recovery Girl and his emotions seemed to be on high alert, he just wanted to be able to relax. He needed something that wasn't going to make him cry at the drop of a hat or make him way too excited because he sure as hell didn't have the energy. "What about something else? I'm not really in the mood for action."

"There's always Netflix and Disney+," Kirishima said with a shrug.

They all settled around the room, distributing the snacks they brought. When they finally settled on a movie, Ponyo, they fell into a comfortable silence.

Kaminari found himself nodding off in Shinso's arms while he was chewing on some licorice. "Tosh?" Denki muttered, looking up at the alpha with tied eyes. Hitoshi hummed and looked down at Kaminari. "Should we..." he didn't need to finish the sentence for Shinso to know what he was asking.

"Are you ready?" He asked quietly, making sure he didn't gain any of their friend's attention.

Kaminari hesitated but nodded, sitting up from Shinso's chest and finding the remote. "Guys?" Denki said as he paused the TV. "We need to tell you something," he said.

The air in the room grew heavy as they looked worriedly at their friends. Shinso took Kaminari's hand, squeezing it lightly, whispering a small "who's going to tell them?"

"I will," Kaminari said, almost too quiet for them to hear. Denki hadn't been watching the movie, he had been thinking of how to word the next statement that was going to be coming out of his mouth. "So, Hitoshi and I- well I'm sort of-" rip off the bandage, rip off the bandage, you're making your friends worry so just rip it off and tell them. "I'm pregnant," he finally said. It didn't matter how much he had thought about what he wanted to say he still managed to get tongue-tied.

The room fell silent. Mina smiled reassuringly at the two while Sero and Kirishima looked at them wondering if it were some prank. Bakugo had picked up on the scent change the moment it started happening, so in other words, he already knew.

"Wait, you're serious?" Sero finally spoke up, gaining a jab in the ribs from Mina.

"Of course he's serious! Now be supportive or shut up!" She hissed.

"That's Uhh- great?" Kirishima said. He wasn't sure how to react and his brain wasn't completely processing it. Of course, he would support them wholeheartedly, it just seemed... sudden? That wasn't the right word but he didn't know what else to use.

"Wow Eij, that sounds convincing," Bakugo said, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend.

"Well, at least I'm trying to say something nice to them," Kirishima muttered back at him. "You didn't even react."

"I knew," was all Bakugo said.

All eyes were now on the blond alpha. "Mina, did you tell him?" Kaminari asked.

Mina shook her head. "No, I told no one!" She said.

"Wait, Mina, you knew?" Sero asked.

"Can you all just shut up?" Bakugo nearly yelled. "Did none of you notice, dunce's scent changing? It's so fucking sweet I can hardly handle it." Some people have more sensitive noses and apparently, Bakugo was one of those people

Kaminari's hands went to cover his neck, now a little self-conscious of his scent. "It's not that sweet," he muttered.

Sero shrugged. "I didn't even notice till you mentioned it."

Kirishima nodded. "Yeah same here, I guess I just wasn't paying attention."

Kaminari was glad none of them freaked out. Of course, he knew Mina already knew and wasn't going to freak out, but he had no idea how his other friends would react.

"So you're pregnant, this isn't a joke," Sero asked just to make sure and Mina jabbed him in the side one more time.

Kaminari nodded his head. "Yeah, not like we exactly planned it though." The omega scratched the back of his neck a little nervous.

"We think a condom broke and we didn't notice," Shinso added quietly, his arms tightening slightly around Kaminari as if to say sorry. That was the only reason they could think of that made sense.

The others nodded in understanding. "So that's why you've been weird lately," Kirishima spoke up, breaking the silence that had enveloped the group.

Kaminari scratched the back of his head. "Yeah... I tried to hide it."

"Are you guys keeping the kid?" Sero asked, getting to the question everyone was dancing around.

Shinso and Kaminari nodded, the alpha's hand cupping Kaminari's slightly larger stomach protectively. "Yeah, we are," Shinso answered quietly.

Kaminari nodded his head. "We talked about it a lot, neither of us want to put them up for adoption and there's no way I'm going through with an abortion," Kaminari explained. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did," he muttered.

Shinso held him a little tighter, circling his thumb over the blond's stomach.

The room fell silent again, none of them knowing what they were supposed to say to this.

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