Chapter 26. Tiny Sparks

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(Imma be 100% honest with y'all. I have no idea how the fuck I was supposed to write this chapter but I've done too many fillers that I've run out of ideas and can't procrastinate longer. Hope it's good lol.)

A dull ache rolled over Denki's back and lower abdomen and Denki's face scrunched, placing a hand over his stomach. It felt like a stomach ache but a little to the left. It was more uncomfortable than painful and he couldn't quite describe the feeling.

Hitoshi noticed the discomfort as Denki shifted on the couch. "Denks? Is everything ok?" He asked.

Denki nodded, focusing on his breathing when another wave of discomfort washed over him. "Y-yeah, I'm good."

The alpha didn't quite believe him and with him being so close to... "is it the babies?" He asked.

"I'm- I'm fine," Denki said, trying to sound convincing because he was fine, he was fine, he was- "just a little uncomfortable."

Hitoshi's brows furrowed, "are you sure? Can I get you something?" Maybe he was overreacting or maybe he wasn't because Denki's due date was tomorrow.

Denki got up and smiled at him. "No, I don't need anything, I'm just going to go to the washroom and I'll be fine." Denki waddled away, a hand on his back for support.

"Is it me or is Kami downplaying it?" Sero asked, eyes following the omega out of the common room.

"Definitely downplaying," Mina agreed.

Hitoshi sighed. They were right, he knew they were right and he hated that they were right because who couldn't trust their boyfriend when they said they were fine. "Should I go check on him? I should go check on him, right?" Hitoshi asked, standing up but Kirishima was shaking his head.

"He lies about how he feels because you're babying him. Sure he's pregnant but he's not helpless," Kirishima told him. "He might be downplaying a little but he'd tell you if it's serious."

Hitoshi sat back down. "I don't like not being able to help," he muttered.

"You help plenty," Mina told him. "Kami tells me all the time-"

"H-Hitoshi?" Denki started, interrupting Mina as he came back into the common room. "Hitoshi, my-my water just broke."

Hitoshi's brain chose this unfortunate moment to freeze because even though he had been over this so many times in his head... "o-ok, ok," he muttered to himself getting up and collecting his thoughts. "We'll get you to the car." Hitoshi went over to Denki to help him.

"Hitoshi I can walk on my-" Denki groaned as another aching wave rolled down him again, more painful than the last. "Faaa- ok, ok help me walk." He leant against Hitoshi's arm to walk.

"Do you need help?" Mina worried, standing as well but Denki waved her off.

"Just call our parents, we probably won't have time," Hitoshi told them, helping Denki out of the dorms and to the care they were borrowing from Hitoshi's parents.

With every contraction, it began to hurt more. Denki bared his teeth and tried to focus on his breathing as Hitoshi drove.

People always talk about the pain of labour, how it's like your body is tearing itself apart from the inside out but it's one thing to hear about it and another to be living through it.

Denki was in too much pain to stand on his own when they got to the hospital so he put all his weight on Hitoshi and they made their way into the hospital as quickly as possible.

The doctors noticed them and ushered the couple to a delivery room. They gave instructions, but Denki could barely hear them so Hitoshi did his best to help, getting Denki into the bed and then letting the doctors do the rest as he held his boyfriend's hand.

It was moving so quickly that they barely had a moment to breathe.

"First one's already crowning," the doctor said, getting their gown and gloves on as quickly as possible.

(We're not going to ask how this works because I do not know and I am simply the author and say it is happening. So please do not ask questions about the birthing.)

"Ok Mr. Kaminari," one of the OB/GYN started, sitting on a stool at the end of the bed. "When the next contraction comes I need you to push, ok?"

Denki squeezed Hitoshi's hand, his knees up and legs spread. "O-ok," he managed, closing his eyes as he felt the next contraction coming.

Hitoshi swore his fingers were going to break by the end of this because fuck his boyfriend had a tight grip.

"Push, push, push," the doctor encouraged and Denki did, somehow squeezing Hitoshi's hand harder and screaming through his teeth as he pushed.

Denki was sweating and couldn't care less if he was disturbing someone because giving birth was a fucking bitch. He pushed and pushed and then-

"First baby's out," the doctor swaddled them in a soft green blanket and handed it back to a nurse so they could clean them up and all that fun stuff. "Just one more, you're almost there."

Not much longer later -and thank god for that because Denki could not handle much more- the second baby was out and being wrapped in the same soft green blanket their sibling had been. Denki nearly collapsed back into the cot, panting heavily. His grip loosened on Hitoshi's hand and blood circulation was restored.

And then the babies were brought over.

"Here you go sir, your beautiful baby boy and girl," the nurse said, handing the babies off to Denki who reached for them eagerly to see the two babies he had brought into this world.

Hitoshi sat at the edge of the bed, putting an arm around Denki's shoulders. The omega's eyes were tearing up as he held his children, "they're beautiful," he whispered, glancing up at Hitoshi.

The alpha hummed, placing a kiss on Denki's sweaty forehead. "They are."

The doctors and nurses left them for the time being. They needed alone time to bond and typically omega's do not like having other people around their babies when they are newly born. Hitoshi was the exception, being the father.

Hitoshi pulled his legs up into the bed so he could sit properly, his boyfriend leaning against him as he held their children. Beautiful gold and purple eyes looked up at them, blinking curiously. They had stopped crying the second Denki was handed them.

Hitoshi's phone rang and ruined the moment. The quiet moment where it felt like there was no one but them. No one but the twins, Denki and Hitoshi.

"It's my parents," Hitoshi whispered. "I need to answer." Denki nodded and the alpha picked up his phone.

"We heard Denki went into labour," Mic's voice immediately came over the phone when it was picked up. "We're at the hospital and so are Denki's parents."

Hitoshi blinked, "you're here?" He asked and he noticed Denki look up at him curiously.

"Our grandchildren are being born! Of course, we're here!"

"I just want to rest," Denki said tiredly, looking up at Hitoshi. He could hear his over-enthusiastic teacher through the phone. He loved his family but for god's sake, he just gave birth, give him some time to rest.

"Look, dad, we're both glad you're here, but Denki needs to rest, it hasn't even been five minutes. Go get lunch or something and come back and we'll see then."

Hizashi agreed and they were all very understanding.

"Thank you," Denki said with a yawn which was followed by two very cute little yawns from the babies.

Hitoshi moved to spoon his boyfriend and smiled a little. "Anything for you," he told him. "Now get some rest because god knows you deserve it."

Denki chuckled tiredly. "Ok," he whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too."

(Man this felt rushed but I didn't know how to fix it so I may do that later. Anyway, one more chapter to go!!)

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